Chapter 7

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Yoongi entered inside the club

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Yoongi entered inside the club...his face immediately made a disgusting expression seeing the unhealthy environment of the club...but he ignored everything and went to the area where Jimin is...

Yoongi came near the VIP section and there he was Jimin lying like a complete drunkard...

Yoongi came near Jimin and was about to touch him but Jimin yanked his hand and said "nooooo my Jungkook baby will touch me

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Yoongi came near Jimin and was about to touch him but Jimin yanked his hand and said "nooooo my Jungkook baby will touch me...."

Yoongi eyes were saddened hearing it...loving Jimin is the biggest mistake he committed....he ignored Jimin words and took him in bridal style and started to go towards the Park mansion....



Hyunjin opened the door of Park mansion and saw Yoongi with Jimin....he immediately let both of them in....yoongi carefully placed Jimin on bed...

Yoongi saw hyunjin and he gave a small smile to him and was about to go but hyunjin stopped him saying

"You love him a lot dont you....but trust me Yoongi hyung my cousin dont deserve a person like love him a lot and he is crazily obsessed with Jungkook hyung"

Yoongi looked at him and didnt said anything and left from there with saddened eyes....

Hyunjin sighed and said "Hope that tomorrow will be a good day"



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