Demon king Kazuki and hero Kasuna Part 1

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One day, there was a child who lived with his grandfather named Kazuki. Kazuki lived in a village called Mokuzai village. Mokuzai Village was near the forest.

Kazuki and his grandfather worked as carpenters in the village, Kazuki chopped wood while his grandfather was a craftsman. Apart from things, grandfather also made weapons.

When Kazuki was cutting down a tree, someone shouted "help me", Kazuki went to the sound and there was a girl who was being attacked by a wild animal, Kazuki immediately helped the girl using his sword to fight the wild animal.

After defeating the beast, the orange haired girl said "thank you for saved me.

"Eee, my name is Kasuna, I was it lost in the forest and didn't know the way home" with embarrassment.

Kazuki also invited Kasuna to went to the village with him and stay temporarily at his house.

His grandfather was surprised to see Kazuki returning from the forest carrying a girl. Kazuki also explained what happened in the forest earlier.

"Thank Goodness you're okay," said Grandpa.

His grandfather agreed for Kasuna to stay at his house temporarily, because the forest was a dangerous place.

The next day, Kazuki greeted Kasuna who had just woke up from bed

"Good morning Kasuna, are you okay".

"Eeeh, I'm fine and thank you for stayed here temporarily," said Kasuna embarrassedly.

"Don't be embarrassed, just talk casually, we're friends," said Kazuki, who knew Kasuna's character.

"Friend....., I've never had a friend before. Can you just call me Suna?" asked Kasuna,

"Okay, Suna, just called me Zuki," answered Kazuki.

After that conversation Kazuki started heading towards the forest to cut down trees while Kasuna felt bad about being cared for and Kasuna helped grandfather.

In the afternoon, Kazuki also always trains his sword and Kasuna who sees this is amazed, Kasuna decides to joined in sword training with Kazuki and practice his magic.

Kasuna's sword skills continue to improve when trained by Kazuki.

In this world there are four magics and two rare magics, the four magics are fire, water, earth and lightning, while the two rare magics are darkness and light.

While training magic with Kasuna, Kazuki was surprised when Kasuna could master four ordinary magic, because generally people can only master one or two ordinary magic and have not been found who have rare magic.

"Eeeeehhh, it's great that you can master four ordinary magic elements, that's already more than royal magicians who only master 3 ordinary magic elements," said Kazuki.

Kasuna also thanked Kazuki for praising her.

Kazuki and Kasuna's adventure in the forestWhere stories live. Discover now