Chapter 2

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   Alex rushed home and looked at her clock which read 7 she had an hour and a half to get ready. She went into her closet and just decided to wear a semi nice hoodie. Alex looked in her closet and just decided to wear a white T-shirt with a white hoodie over it with jeans. She slipped it on then ran her fingers through her hair rushing to the bathroom. She picked up her phone looking at the time 7:30. She was doing pretty good on time so she decided to put on light makeup to cover up her acne even though it wasn't that bad. After she was done she took a hairbrush and brushed her hair making sure to get all the knots out. She ran her fingers through her hair one final time before grabbing her phone and heading out of the bathroom. She sat down on the couch for little bit wasting the time she had left scrolling on tik tok.

Alex looked up at the time on her phone which read 8:25. She grabbed her keys off the counter and  put on the white converse that was next to her floor mat. Alex headed for her truck opening the door and jumping in. She put her keys in the ignition and started it up. She pulled out of her driveway and headed for Hailee's house. She pulled into the driveway and jogged to her door knocking on it. "Coming!" Yelled a girls voice from inside. Hailee opened the door Alex looked at her for a second, she had jeans on with an oversized sweater which fell off her shoulders. Alex looked back up to her eyes and smiled, "Ready to go?" Hailee smiled pulling her phone out of her back pocket, "Wow right on time that usually never happens." She said putting her phone back into her pocket. Alex cocked her head looking at her for a second. Hailee smiled "Hang on I need to do one more thing." She said walking back into the house leaving the door open. Alex was going to walk in but decided not to as Hailee hurried up the stairs. She stopped in the middle of the stairs and turned around facing Alex, "You can come in if you want." Alex smiled at her walking into the house shutting the door behind her. A lot of smells hit Alex at once but all of them were good, some were perfume and others smelled like scented candles. She looked around and found a white couch facing a TV. Iris looked at the couch for a second deciding if she should sit on it or not since it was so clean. She walked over to it and sat down on it slowly. She sank into the leather couch. Once she finally got comfortable and relaxed enough she pulled her phone out of her pocket, checking the time 8:35. Alex let out a small sigh of relief and got on instagram scrolling waiting for Hailee. She clicked on Tracy's story as a picture of her getting ready popped up, the text said "getting ready for the party night". Alex rolled her eyes and she quickly swiped off it not being bothered to go through any of the other story's. She scrolled down a little but then saw a picture of her ex, he had his hands all over his new girlfriend. Alex looked at the picture for a moment then she scoffed and powered off her phone tossing it to the side. "Everything okay?" Alex heard Hailee ask as she walked down the stairs. "Yeah I'm fine what took you so long?" Alex said standing up. "Oh I just had to find the right earrings. Do you think these are okay?" Alex walked closer putting her hand under Hailee's chin and turned her head to the side to get a better look. "Yeah those look great." Alex said smiling then Taking her hand off of Hailee's chin. She walked back over to the couch and grabbed her phone and slid it into her pocket jamming her hands into her hoodie pockets. "Ready to go now?" Alex asked as Hailee chuckled. "Yes now I'm ready." They both headed out the door Alex let Hailee go first then she followed behind her closing the door. "This is locked right?" Alex asked just making sure. "Of course it is I wouldn't want some rando like you creeping around my house. Alex chuckled at her statement, "Ok true true." As she walked behind her she looked down at her shoes and saw that she was wearing the exact same converse that Alex was wearing. Alex smiled as she rushed towards the truck and opened the door for Hailee. Hailee smiled at her, "Oh how nice of you." Alex smiled offering her hand out for Hailee to use to climb into the truck. As soon as Hailee was in the truck Alex closed the door and rushed around to her side opening the door and hoisting herself into the drivers seat. It was already pretty warm in the truck since Alex left it knowing it wouldn't take that long to get Hailee into the truck. She backed out of the driveway and started towards Tracy's house. "Why are you being so nice?" Hailee asked in a genuine curious voice. "I mean I am taking you to a party and also why not." Alex said keeping her eyes on the road. "Are you like this to all the strangers you meet?" Hailee asked turned her head towards her with a smile on her face. "No, just the nice ones." Alex said making Hailee's smile grow as she turned her head back to the road.

  "What time is it?" Alex asked not pulling her phone out. A bright light lit up beside her as Hailee turned on her phone, "Oh way to bright!" Hailee squealed quickly turning down her brightness. Alex chuckled at her, "8:53" "Ok good we are making good time." Alex said glancing over at Hailee then back at the road. "You really are worried about being late arnt you?" Hailee said with a small laugh. "I mean yeah ever since I was late to my first day of high school and my teacher never let it go for the rest of the year I was never late again." "Yeesh having a teacher like that sucks." "Tell me about it all of my classes are filled with them." Hailee cocked her head looking over at Alex. "College classes." Hailee made an O shape with her mouth giving her a knowing look then looking away. "Don't worry I'm not a minor going to a party I promise." Alex said making Hailee laugh, "How old are you anyways?" "26, how about you?" Alex said returning the question. "Really I'm also 26." Alex chuckled. "That's so crazy." Hailee said as Alex pulled into Tracy's driveway. She put it in park behind a silver car and climbed out. Hailee got out on her own as Alex counted the cars here, "Huh imagine that." Alex said talking out loud to herself. "What?" Hailee questioned walking around the front of the truck. "Counting cars only half the people I asked to come are here. I guess I knocked on all those doors for nothing." "Well it wasn't for nothing I'm still here." Hailee said smiling. Alex looked over at her returning the smile, "Yeah I guess we did gain one person." Alex pulled her phone out of her pocket and looked at the time, 9:01." She clenched her jaw,

It's only one minute late Tracy surely won't mind right?

Alex panicked in her head as she walked up to the door and knocked on it. Tracy opened the door, "Oh Alex you finally made it, about time, I thought you weren't coming for a second." Alex opened her mouth to say something but Hailee stepped out from behind her interrupting her. "We only got here one minute late it's not that big of a deal." Tracy smirked then looked from Alex to Hailee then her jaw dropped when she saw who was talking. "No no it's okay I...I was uh just messing with Alex." Tracy said opening the door wider so they could come in.

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