Written in the Stars [Part 2]

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A/N: Hi it's been a while hehehe

It's finally her Senior Year. As Yeji entered the school gate, she hoped that another school year would pass by quickly and peacefully just like the three years before in High School. Why? She just does not want to spend another year loving a certain someone from a far, admiring her smiles and laughs and realizing every time that she can't have her. 

Why would I even try when she's already so happy?  How can I risk ruining such a perfect smile?  Yeji thought to herself as she walked around the school mindlessly, trusting her unconscious to bring her to their classroom. She greets anyone who meets her eye except Lia, her seat mate and friend for three years and the reason why she cannot wait for this school year to end -- whenever Yeji looks at her, it's as if her lips has gained a mind of its own as it naturally curves upwards, ending with her displaying the most genuine smile she herself don't think is possible. This is what happens every morning in school whenever she enters the classroom and see Lia waiting and smiling back at her. 

The moment you looked at me
I started losing feeling in my cheeks
Felt myself moving towards ya'
I just wanted to get closer, oh

When you say hello
I know there is no limit where we'll go
I want you to be ready
I'll hold your heart if you'll let me, oh

However, as soon as she lets herself fall deeper into her gaze, a certain voice always halts her true feelings...

" Babe!" A voice from a short-haired girl almost always suddenly wriggles her out of her fantasies. "How about we go out later and have a lunch inside the mall nearby, my treat of course." She added as she moves towards the pair. "Oh Hi Yeji-unnie. You can come with us if you like, even better if you treat us hahahaha." She joked.

"No way will I be the third wheel and then pay for our meals also. Besides, I know you and Lia order a looooot whenever you go out, so I don't want to be broke, Ryujin-ah." Yeji replied laughing and proceeded to mess with Ryujin's hair.  

"You son of a bi-" 

"Hahahahah .Okay, okay, stop before you guys hurt each other." Although she was supposed to be warning them, Yeji could not think of anything but the look of Lia's face while laughing at them. Just one more year, Yeji. 


The midterm exams are approaching and Yeji could not be more worried, as she spent the first half of the school year sulking because of her dwindling friendship with Lia as the other chose to spend more of her time with her girlfriend. Get a hold of yourself, Yeji, just a few more months to graduate... She tells herself as she crams studying the terms and concepts for her tests. It's a good thing for her that she got her classes suspended this weak due to the bad weather, so she can have more time to study for the test.

"Yeji-unnie! It's Lia-unnie! She's looking for you and I think she's not okay." Chaeryeong, her roommate, stated as she barged into her shared room with Yeji.

"Huh? What happened?" Yeji replied with worry visible in her face.

"I don't know, but she's out there sitting in the sofa, soaking wet from the rain. It seemed like she just mindlessly ran here." Chaeryeong continued. 

Seemingly forgetting about their problem, Yeji grabbed a towel from her closet and rushed out into the living room. It is indeed true, her precious Lia sat across the room, shivering and crying with her hands covering her face. 

"I saw Ryujin kiss another girl and when she saw me, she just smirked at me and then they left together.... This isn't the first time I saw her like that. I just hoped that she won't cheat on me again. But she did and seeing her now like that still hurts." Lia said as soon as she felt Yeji's presence in the room.

Yeji hurriedly wrapped the towel around her and hugged her. As she did this, Lia's cries turned into sobs, as she sank deeper into Yeji's chest. Wanting Lia to get all her hurt out at the moment, Yeji chose to remain silent and they stayed like that for a while until Lia's sobs finally settled and she stopped crying.

"I'm sorry, Yeji-ah. I know that we've been growing apart for a while now, but I don't know who to call. It has been three months since my break-up with Ryujin and it still hurts when I see her like that. And Uhm- I should probably go because you're mad at me. Uh- I'm really sorry I shouldn't have gone here I--" Lia was cut off by Yeji.

"Shhh. It's alright. I understand. Don't worry I could never be mad at you and even if I did get mad at you, I'll always find my way back to you." Yeji said breaking their hug and their eyes finally meeting the first time in months. And there it is again, Yeji's warm and genuine smile that is only reserved for Lia. Even when she's crying, she is still beautiful. 

Yeji is so occupied with her admiration for Lia that she failed to notice the latter's cheeks turning red under her gaze.... as she has in the past three years.

Lia breaks away from her gaze and chose to look at the ground in front of them. "Thank you, Yeji-ah. Still, I know I have been a bad friend to you."

"True" Yeji replied to Lia's disappointment that was soon overturned.

"--But I will always be here for you and care for you. When have I been able to resist you?" Yeji held Lia's hands as she tried to lighten up the mood.  

Once again, their eyes met, and both recognized for the first time how the eyes of each other were filled with much love and longing. As they close the gap between their lips, they reached a mutual understanding.

Don't tell me you don't feel what I feel right now
Ooh, it's written all over you
Don't tell me you don't feel what I feel somehow
Ooh, I keep findin' my way back to you (Oh)

You can go anywhere babe, wherever you want (Oh, I want)
Because I know we're written in the stars
You can go any which way, don't matter how far
Because I know we're written in the stars (Uh, hey)

Yeji wishes happy endings were that easy to reach, but she could not be more wrong. For the special bond she discovered and shared with Lia didn't last that long. I was so fucking naive. She bitterly thought and laughed to herself as she sat alone in the school's cafeteria, once again looking at Lia from afar, who was laughing joyously while being held by her girlfriend Ryujin.

Just a month left before she goes off to College and then maybe I'll finally be able to live my life happily...

A/N: In case it's confusing, the events in this story happened before Part I, though I still think that it is a great story on its own. Hope you liked this one :)

Yejisu (Hwang Yeji x Choi Jisu) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now