The First Recording

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"Alver, this is all that's left of your work for today. After these 2 you should go to bed."

"Thanks Aunt. I'll be sure to look at them quickly."

"By the way, Alver. There's been a new heat going on within the commoners..."

"New..heat? What's this? A noble with a romantic scandal again?"

"The topic...I'm not quite sure about that but the dark elf intelligence said it relates with Young Master Cale."

"What? I'm so sorry, Aunt, but I must doubt that. There is no way Cale would be getting public backlash from...having a secret lover. That's not the kind of person he is."

"Oh no no. It's not a backlash, Alver. In fact, it is all support from the people. The hush is about a recording of a younger Young Master Cale and his family. I haven't been able to get a copy of it."

"Hold on, The Henituses?"

Alver knew enough about the Henituses to know that the family now has a great relationship with the transmigrator, even if they did not know about it. They all thought that Cale grew up and well... out live his trashy teen-self. It's no secret that the Count remarried early so perhaps... the people are talking about the original Cale's behavior and his relationship with the other Henituses. Oh no... He better Cale quick because if it's flooding this much from the main barrel, especially one that's sealed in the cellar since long ago, there's gotta be a leak somewhere.


"Ron, have you got someone to fix the piano on the second floor?"

"I have, Young Master. It is ready for use", Ron said, feeling quite excited. He would not admit it but it brings him great pleasure to know that his charge has decided to return to his previous positive hobbies now that the war is over. He used to watch the previous Countess teach the little red head about playing different instruments. His charge was eight when he started to dabble in a more creative play, like writing songs and poems with them. Crude...but he was 8 so it was still cute.

"Great, I'll be taking a look at it after lunch. Say... Are the kids going to stay at the Black Castle for lunch or will they return?"

"I was informed that they will return."

"Alright then, I'll be at the gazebo. Inform me when they've arrived, Ron."


"Is this the tape?"

"Yeah, it's not the original though. I had copied it from someone else who also said they copied it from others"

"Oh... Young Master Cale. No wonder he changed himself... Perhaps we shouldn't have been so harsh on the young boy"

"I was especially harsh. He kept ruining my bar so i got upset whenever he came. Little did we know... if only someone could nudge the child to a better path earlier on. He wouldn't ever be known as trash first before being what he is today"

"He truly is a strong soul"


"Mom! Look, I got a copy of the hero singing! He said some stuff about his parents so I just wanna let mama know that I would do anything to make you proud!"

"Horiya, where is this coming from? And of course, sweetheart. Work hard and make mama proud, just know that whenever you need a cool off time, mama will be there for you. And...if you ever need more physical help, go call this mom alright?"

"Sure, mom! I'll go tell mama about what you just said too"

"We will always be proud of you"


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