Chapter 23: 300 Million Berries?!

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"Wow, I can't wait to meet them!" Luffy said with excitement.

"Do you think they'll let me spare with them?" (Y/N) smirked, sharing her captain's excitement.

Usopp fell over on the gold bag he was carrying which made Nami sigh. "Luffy, (Y/N). Let's hurry up and get the gold traded in. This is fun, but it can wait til later."

"Right on. We should get going. Where to, Ms Navigator?" (Y/N) smiled at the ginger.

"You've been hanging around Robin too much." Nami giggled at the sudden blush that ran over (Y/N)'s face, who just realized she called Nami the nickname Robin gave her.

"I- Um..." The (h/c) haired woman was burning up.

"I'm just teasing... Ms Journalist." Nami winked at her.

(Y/N)'s ears were blowing stream from how hot her face was. "You're killing me over here."

The crew finally made their way to a bank that was willing to make a cash offer for their gold. Luffy and Usopp were laughing as they jumped up and down on the comfortable couch they were sitting on.

"Why did we have to bring them anyways?" (Y/N) sighed as she blurted out the rhetorical question. "But still? VIP. Isn't it a little much?"

"For the amount of gold we brought in? This is an understatement." Nami looked irritated from the two boys beside her.

The banker who was inspecting the gold was sweating bullets. "Hey, you're not saying anything?" Usopp questioned the man. "Don't tell me you think this stuff is fake."

"No! Far from it! I've been an appraisal for twenty five years, so I know it. This treasure is valued at..."

"100 MILLION BERRIES?!" Luffy screamed in shock.

"Keep it down stupid!" Usopp shushed the straw hat. "Do you want the whole city to know how much cash we're lugging around?!"

Luffy questioned if that was really the price, but the appraiser quickly explained that it has historical value and high purity. (Y/N) watched as Nami sat in silence while the appraiser gave his pitch.

'She's up to something...' The (h/c) haired woman thought, looking back at the appraiser. 'And I think the woman's going to bleed you dry.'

"I'm glad you accept the amount, now I need your thumbprint and signature here. After that, I'll prepare your money lickity split." The man placed a paper on the table, but before Luffy could sign away the treasure, Nami slammed her foot on the table making the appraiser jump back in fear.

"Before we sign everything, there are three things to say. Mister appraiser. First, I forgot to mention this, but he's got a 100 million bounty on his head and she's got a 80 million on hers. Second, I don't accept the appraisal you gave us. Third, you try to lie to us again? It will be the last lie you'll ever tell, you got that." Nami's glare even made (Y/N) shiver.

'Can I be Sanji for a minute...' (Y/N) stared in awe at the woman before her.

"PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!" The appraiser bowed his head to the four.

"300 MILLION!!!" Usopp and Luffy were bathing in the cash Nami gained the crew.

(Y/N) was hugging the money. "Nami? Please marry me one day?" The (h/c) haired woman was kissing the berries happily.

"Skypiea paid off after all!! I never thought I'll see the day!! I always wanted to be filthy rich!!" Nami threw berries up in the air.

"IT'S OUR MONEY TOO!!" Usopp, Luffy and (Y/N) yelled at the woman.

Hunted - One Piece X Fem ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora