He's a Jet

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    More couples start to get on the dance floor, but I stay on the bleachers, trying to forget that Jet. Of course, he was a Jet! He acts just like one. I watch a couple argue with each other for two hours to cleanse my mind before I finally get up to get some punch. I pour a glass, take a sip, and immediately cough. Somebody spiked the punch with liquor, of course. I set down the cup and walk away when I bump into someone. 

" Oh sorry about that. I didn't see you there." I backed away, and I unexpectedly met those blue eyes.

"No worries doll, it happens." He gives me a sly smirk and winks. I give him a fake smile to try and not say anything that would be irrational. I walked past him back towards the bleachers, when his voice stopped me.

  "Do you wanna dance? I hear a smile in his voice. 

  " If I was caught with a guy like you, my friends and family would have my head." I hissed at him. I wasn't wrong, if I was caught dancing with him and Rita, Bernardo, or Nanna found out, they would actually murder me.

He seems confused by my reasoning. "What do you mean 'guys like me'? You're just like me. It's not like you're a Puerto Rican."

 "Why would it matter if I was Puerto Rican? They're sweet and kind people. Unlike the Jets, who wreck small businesses they don't like and start street fights in the middle of the street for fun. Compared to the Puerto Ricans who are trying to start a better life, you Jets don't look like saints." I speed walk toward Rita, who just finished dancing.

"Hey are you going to dance with- woah are you ok?" She realized that my anger was fuming out of me.

"Yeah I'm just feeling a little sick right now, I think something was in that punch, so I'm going to head home." I gave her a reassuring smile.

Her face falls with disappointment."Do you want somebody to walk you home? I'm sure Chico is around here somewhere." She starts calling for him but I stop her. 

"No I'll be fine, it's not that late anyway. I'll just speedwalk home just in case ." I soften my face and smile at her, trying to tell her that I'll be alright.

  "Just call me tomorrow morning ok? I'll be worried sick if you don't." She chuckles and we hug goodbye.

  I get out of the building and a wave of cold hits me like a frying pan. I left my coat at home because I didn't think that it would be this freezing. I'll just have to hurry home and warm up by the fireplace. As I start my way home, a warm hand grabs my icy one.

  I turn around and see the last face I would want to see.

"Hey I saw you walk out of the door and I want to say sorry for what happened in there. It's none of your business what happens between the Sharks and Jets." I looked at his facial expression and just for a split second, I saw a sweetness in his face that I didn't know he had.

I notice that we've been holding hands for longer than I'm comfortable with a guy I met like 5 minutes ago., so I take my hand back and hold my own hands, trying to keep in body heat to stay somewhat warm. 

"Well this was nice but I have to get home, so you can go pack to your 'Jets'." I turn away bracing for the cold, when a warmth absorbs the cold from my body. I see that he slipped his jacket onto me, and I start taking it off when he stops me. 

"C'mon you're shaking like a leaf, you might as well be getting hypothermia." He's right. Well about me being cold not the hypothermia. I pull it back on and give him a soft smile.

I kept walking the way back home when started to yell.

"C'mon I did the whole jacket thing and I don't even get a name!?"'

I slow down, feeling a little guilty not giving him anything but a lecture, so I yell out " Y/N!" 

I hear a laugh and he responds with " I'm Riff!"

I kept walking away but the name Riff bounced around my head the rest of the walk home. I get into my home, lock the doors, and head upstairs ready to sleep for three days. I change into my nightgown and I hang up my dress back in the closet. Now what am I supposed to do with this jacket? It smelled like cheap cologne that was going to give me a headache, and it looked like it hadn't been washed in years. I go to my washroom and put in a washing machine that Nanna gave me when I moved here. I go back to my room and collapse on the bed, out cold...


The Sunlight that was in my eyes woke me up and made me groan. I just wanted to stay in bed and sleep away life. I get up from the bed, look at the clock to it it was 7:00 am,  change, and realize that Riff Cologne is still in the air. I must've gotten so used to it that I forgot it was even there.  Oh dang it I forgot about his jacket!  I mentally slap myself as I go to the washing machine to get it out of there. It was still very damp, so I opened the window and hung up the jacket with a clothespin. I head down to the bakery, unlock the doors, and get the ovens warm up. I start the dough for cinnamon rolls, when I hear the bells, indicating that there was someone here. 

"Welcome to the Baked Haven, if you want cinnamon rolls you'll have to wait about two hours until they've finished. We do have doughnuts, muffins, and-" I look up and see Riff, wearing a white tank top with a blue button-up shirt.

"Ain't this the cutest little bakery I've ever seen." He looks at the donuts that are on a cupcake stand, takes a glazed donut, and bites into it. 

"Why are you here? and how did you find this place? That's $1.50, by the way." I hold out my hand to collect the money but he doesn't give me anything.

"This is pretty good. This is the Jet's territory, you don't think I don't know every building? I just didn't know who ran this joint." He finishes the donut and wipes his hands, starting to grab another one. I smack his hand away and he looks offended.

 "Not until you buy the one you just ate. $1.50 please." I stick out my hand again, waiting for him to pay. 

" What if I do something else instead of pay, like take you on a tour of New York, the way you've never seen it." He gives me an obnoxious smirk that I absolutely hated.

" Yeah, or I could call the cops and tell them that a customer is stealing from me." I start to go towards the phone when he stops me. 

"Don't you need something done around here? I can wash dishes or sweep the floors." I look at him and see that sweetness again on his face. Putting down the phone I sigh.

" I needed to go to the farmers market today and get ingredients, but I'm so backed up on orders that I can't go. So can I trust you to get them for me?" I look at him and his face lights up.

"Yes ma'am."

A/N: hoped you enjoyed this lol. The next one might be in Riff's POV idk yet. Sorry if you think these are short, but I want to get them out so people have something to read. Love yall!

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