
"Ao Lie"

"Huh? oh—Is there something I could help you with Teacher Subodhi?"

The Dragon Perked up, Hearing that the Old wise man call his name. Subodhi raised a brow once the Dragon prince called him that "Teacher?" he mumbled, But Ao Lie simply just Giggled "Oh! sorry I just got used hearing Master Call you like that time to time! must've Rubbed off  to me." He Giggled, scratching his head sheepishly, Subodhi just Waved it off and sighs "I'll accept that I suppose since The Great Monk has been calling me like that for years. but anyways going back to my words" He stopped, Glancing Back to the Crew who's Meditating and then, his eyes Glancing to Mei.

"your Grandchild is a pain"

he blurted, Sweatdropping once Ao Lie heard that. yeah he kinda know that too. Mei is a Tough roll around girl that doesn't give two shits about a Large Lion and his Two Sworn brothers. I mean she's willing to beat those brothers for pissing her off,Hurting her friends and also about to crash in the celestial court and possibly destroy the whole world.

"I know She's a bit rowdy but she's a good child"

"She is Indeed but She's lacking something that I think you can only do it for her"

The old man Smiled "Her friends are—how should I say this. they are Fairing well, Mei on the other hand. I have no problems about her Fighting style and Stamina, she's already Strong" He nodded, Giving Ao Lie a proud smile once he heard that compliment about his Granddaughter. "But she needs guidance Dragon prince. or else she will not just endanger her Allies but also herself" He snapped, which gave Ao Lie a worried look.

"she's impulsive. she acts before she THINKS. do you think Attacking an enemy without a plan could win a chess game?"

"N-no. of course not."

"and that's why you. as her Grandfather needs to act immediately for the betterment of her future and herself" the elderly added, and Ao Lie looked down. right Mei is strong and Fast, maybe something that passed down from family but....She can be impulsive.

something that reminds him of the Great sage back then. Wukong in his Prime is brash and attacks immediately, sometimes Ao Lie finds this a weakness that the enemy could use and that's why. as the Steed of the journey back then, he learned from the great Monk.

he always reminds himself to think before he acts. he also Teaches his Brothers to do the same, Sha wujing. that blue Demon has Found this advice a great help while as for Zhu Baije, he's still taking up the advice since sometimes he moves without thinking.

but as for The Monkey king oh boy. don't get him started.

Wukong is the opposite. doing something that dangers him worried the Dragon prince so much and even the monk, He always scolds the Monkey, but Wukong finds it Annoying to the point he'll argue back to the White Horse Dragon.

"what do you want me to do?"

he asked, waiting for the old man to finish "Well...what do YOU want to do with it?" He hummed, and Ao Lie Blinked "you're her grandfather. she looks up to you so much Dragon prince. I'm sure she will listen to you" Subodhi Softly smiled, and Ao Lie Hummed 'I have a few ideas of how should I Discipline Mei. but I'm still Putting it together' He thought, Fiddling with his sleeves "A good Teaching from his A thousand great Grandfather would be beneficial and meaningful. do what you think is best for your Grandchild Dragon prince" The Old wise Master encouraged, leaving the Dragon prince to take care of his Impulsive Granddaughter.

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