Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

Looking up at me, she gives me mischievous grin. "We're going shopping."

I shake my head, blinking a couple of times, and raising an eyebrow. "What?"

"You heard me. We're going shopping." She states as she hops off the desk, grabbing my bag off the chair near the door and shoves it into my arms half a second later.

"We can't just leave, we have work to do." I say and she lets out a snort.

"No we really don't. And seeing as you're depressed and in a funk, what better way to get rid of the frown then to go shopping? Am I right?" She tells me, and I stare at her wide-eyed.

"No, no it's not. And besides, we don't have any money." I point out and she shakes her head at me before pulling a credit card out of back pocket.

"Sure we do. Your boyfriend's."

"Do I even want to know where you got that from?"

"Probably not."


The mall and I have never exactly gone well together. Shopping wasn't my thing, and the only thing I truly did like about being here was the food court. My feet were numb from walking around so much, and my arms felt like they would fall off from the amount of bags I was carrying - most of the stuff being Kimberly's.

Even though I was conflicted about my emotions towards Will at the moment, I tried my best to buy the cheapest things, feeling guilty for using his money without his permission. I had learned later on when both Kimberly and I gotten to the mall that she had swiped it out of his back pocket the day she came to visit me, or more so interrogate me.

There was only one true place that I really did dislike, and that was Victoria's Secret. Which just so happens to be the store we're shopping at. Currently seated on a pink, circular chair in the changing area, I wait for Kimberly to finish. From where I sat I could just barely hear her let out a grunt in frustration, but then a sigh of relief a couple of seconds later.

I had only been in this shop once, and that was about three years ago when I had a really good pay day. But that was also because Kim had to drag me in here, even before now, because I couldn't even look at the shop without wanting to run in the other direction.

Everything in the store was pink, black, or white. The bras on the other hand had looked like a unicorn had thrown up all over them with all the different assortments of colors. Now, it wasn't exactly the bras that raised a red flag with me. It was actually the lingerie.

It was uncomfortable the way the ladies that worked here would take your measurements like it wasn't awkward that it could've been seen as molestation. I wasn't one to be touched by another human being; especially around my breasts. In Kimberly's words, I was forbidden territory to men. A messed up version of Virgin Mary.

And it bothered me when she'd complain or tell me about what her night out in the city had been like. When she take me along to a club with a couple of her other friends, I was always the one who wanted to go back home and read a book.

Because, honestly, fictional boys are always better then the real ones.

I end up glaring down at the floor as my thoughts are filled with only one person. William Reed. Now, I hadn't exactly figured out why I was so annoyed at him, or why I felt so betrayed, but I did. And I knew me slamming the bedroom door in his face hadn't made either of us feel better.

Never being in this type of situation before, I didn't know how to handle it. But when I do think about him, most of the negative feelings disappear and fond ones come up.

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