Ch 21: 'Remember To Forget Me'

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Uraraka: "Uh, y-yeah...I know! I, um, I-I had something...Spicey for lunch! Yeah! While you were fighting I ate hot...Um..." [Taps chin] "Hot...Sushi! Yeah...I ate it whilst your fight was on...So you wouldn't know..."

With her most confident face she could muster right now--Which wasn't much, Uraraka turned back to (Y/n) to see him offering her a raised eyebrow. With every second that went on with (Y/n) carrying this look, it left Uraraka unsure of the outcome. Thankfully for her, she was given a sigh of relief when (Y/n) returned his smile and played it off.

(Y/n): "Alright. Cool. Well, I'm gonna go pull Bakugo away from the wall now before he gets himself, or more importantly, me, into trouble."


(Y/n): [Sighs] "Yep...There's my queue."

And so with that, (Y/n) took off to pull Bakugo away from the wall, as he did, he left Uraraka alone by herself. Once he was gone, Uraraka removed the hands around her face to reveal a large nervous smile, one that didn't seem to falter as she watched (Y/n) leave. With her eyes remaining on (Y/n), and her smile still at large, Uraraka began to walk sideways toward the rows of seats next to her. 

On the third row on the very edge, Yaoyorozu could be seen typing something on her phone when out of nowhere she was suddenly pulled out of her seat and onto the ground. At first, Yaoyorozu was bewildered by what was going on. The constant calls of Uraraka's name from the rich girl went unanswered as the smaller brunette pulled the girl out of the student grandstand and continued to pull her along until they reached a secluded part of the hallway. Once in the perfect position, Uraraka finally turned around.

Yaoyorozu: "Uraraka? Is everything alright?"

Uraraka: "We have a problem."

As soon as she heard that, Yaoyorozu's eyes widen before a blush crept onto her face, causing her eyes to focus elsewhere.

Yaoyorozu: "You heard about it, huh...?"

Uraraka: "I just don't know what to do! I can't stop thinking about (Y/n)! I really think I'm going to--Wait. What? Heard about what?"

Yaoyorozu: "Huh?! Oh! You...You weren't talking about...That?"

Uraraka: "That?"

She asked with a raised eyebrow, whilst sporting an expression on her face that quietly told that 'she wouldn't change the subject until she heard what this thing was'. When Yaoyorozu saw such an expression, it left her blushing even more until eventually she crumbled and revealed exactly what she was talking about.

Yaoyorozu: "Okay, look! I don't want you to be mad when I say this because we've become really good friends lately and I don't wanna ruin that so please just promise me that you won't be mad?"

Uraraka: [Narrows eyes] "...No."

Yaoyorozu: [Sighs] "Look. It happened just before when you and Bakugo were standing at the front of the railing cheering for (Y/n). I was sitting with the other girls and one thing led to another. They asked me why I walked off with him earlier and...and I...I told them that we kissed."

Uraraka: "YOU KISSED (Y/N)?!"

The words were so loud that the amount of shock that suddenly exploded through Yaoyorozu's body from hearing it caused her hands to launch forward unconsciously and cover Uraraka's face without hesitation. And they remained there as Yaoyorozu leaned forward and whispered softly.

Yaoyorozu: "Please don't say it so loud, okay?"

Uraraka: "MMGH! YGH! MMGH! MM! RGH!!!"

Yaoyorozu: "I know. I know. It's shocking to hear, but...It's...It's not true..."

𝘼𝙉𝙏𝙄-𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙊 [Dark Deku Male Reader X My Hero Academia Harem]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz