Chapter 5

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"Out of the way."

I was knocked against the wall without even a word of apology, but I kept doing my job without paying my bullies any mind. I could tell that pissed them off since they weren't getting any attention, but my boyfriends were infuriated when security showed them the CCTV footage. So, I'm pretty sure the "Big Three" have something in mind for my nasty, greedy coworkers.

I've been left out of the loop for the most part, which is fine because I want to have the last laugh. I can handle my bullies' tame physical abuse. It's nothing that I haven't faced before, but what helps my mental strength is the fact that I do have strong allies this time.

"Oh shit, really? That's fucked up. I can kind of see it, though."

I heard my coworkers laugh down the hallway while I got my late lunch heated up in the microwave. I sipped my tea, trying to ignore the mocking voices as they got louder.

"He's so weird. It's like he enjoys getting bullied since he hasn't even fought back."

"Right? Totally insane. I bet our bosses use him like a sex toy and he enjoys it."

I sucked in a breath and slowly let it out. I'm still totally baffled by what I'm experiencing.

Are those people really so envious that they blatantly talk out of their asses in the middle of our office? It's a wonder that the customer service reviews are so high.

When the Gossip Squad passed by the break room, one guy looked inside and saw me pulling my hot food out of the microwave. I blew on my fingers before shutting the door, then heard footsteps approach. I moved out of the way, but my coworker had other plans. Before I could even figure out what happened, heat and pain spread on my chest. I gasped and backed away from the counter while the guy laughed, but his breath hitched when I tugged off my shirt that was covered in my hot soup.

I moved my shirt to the sink and wetted a paper towel to clean my chest. I wanted to chew out the guy, but I held myself back. If I make a scene, the rumors will only get worse.

"Wow, he really is into some fucked up stuff."

To be honest, that was the last straw. The same straw that broke the camel's back.

I straightened and turned to look at the woman who spoke up. "Ms. Herd, if you continue to act and talk this way, even I can't save you."

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. You think your masters will stick up for you? You're just a stupid little bitch boy."

I leaned on the counter and crossed my arms, then gestured to the guy who still looked horrified after seeing the scar on my left shoulder blade.

"You goaded that guy into throwing my hot soup at me. I'm sure you can tell my skin is burned since I am so fucking pale. Instead of acting like a greedy, envious bitch—which, by the way, is not a good look on you—maybe you should focus on making yourself be better. All of what's going on right now makes you very ugly on the inside, making your outward 'beauty' feel much more like papier-mâché."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"I guess you're too stupid to understand what I'm saying. It's really simple, so listen closely. You, Ms. Herd, are a fake-ass bitch." I said slowly, enunciating the last three words.

Ms. Herd's upper lip twitched into a scowl, but she whirled away and stomped off. The guy that spilled soup on me was frozen in place, but he booked it out of there when I threatened to throw the rest of my soup at him. I heaved a sigh and rested my forearms on the edge of the sink.

Their Olive Tree (MxM Poly Romance) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now