Part 2 - Ragatha: Introduction

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Oh, where did I leave off? The last few days have been beyond insane, and I haven't thought to write anything in this journal I found in one of my drawers. Everyone is presented with one, but Jax says they're useless, and after a while, you forget how to write, so everyone besides Ragatha and Jax have hit that point.

However, I don't want to lose this ability, the only human-like ability I still have, besides the obvious ones, like walking and talking. So here I am, writing another update to myself. I would provide the time and date, but that's simply a concept here, a mere suggestion, a tease.

Besides Jax and Ragatha, I don't talk to anyone else here yet. Oh, right, Ragatha..

I walk through the halls, another one of Caine's adventures ticked off my mental list. That's something weird about me - I use my journal to remember how to write, but also to keep track of my life, each day feeling like it's bleeding into another. I use it to keep the days separate and less.. repetitive. I spend the time to describe each adventure, each person, each new arrival and thing I notice everyday.

I like to be practical. Reliable. Predictable. I'm a simple gal.

My room is dark when I enter, and quiet. I breathe a sigh of relief. Jax didn't get in today; I triple locked my door. It's only a matter of time before he gets another key from who-knows-where, but until then, I'm safe.

I click my lamp on and step into the mirror, resting my eyes on the eyes staring back.

I didn't get very lucky with the appearance the game gave me. It's no Zooble level of weird, but I didn't expect to get stuck with a rag doll. Being honest - I didn't expect any of this. I'm 30 years old. I have- had.. a partner, and kids. We'd just found out another one was on their way, and then I put the stupid headset on and as my reality slipped away, so did the baby.

I'd never felt so empty in my life.

I have a bright blue button for one of my eyes, and the other remains wide and blank, twice the size of the stupid button. My nose, a light brown triangle, and my mouth, a bright, bursting smile, the most dis genuine part of my whole appearance.. that smile hasn't felt full and real since I got here.

They couldn't even give me a good dress. They gave me a dress.. with patches upon patches of different fabric and stitch work. An unattractive mess plastered on my body. Something that took time to get over, like the black slips over my 'feet' this world classified as shoes.

My hair sticks up in all sorts of directions, an obnoxious red of curls.

I slump over to my bed, flopping down and groaning in exasperation. I roll over reluctantly, open my bedside drawer, and pull out my bright red notebook. Things sometimes just.. appear in the drawer. Papers, Gloinks, keys.. maybe that's where Jax gets his key collection. I'll get something serious from time to time, like one of Caine's documents, but I return it to him without looking, because one, he'd know, and two, I wouldn't dare see what other twisted plans he has for us and his playground.

I check off his daily adventure from my list and sign my signature at the bottom, clip the notebook shut, and slip it back into the drawer. As I remove my hand, a sudden cold and fidgety sensation begins on the tips of my fingers and down my hand. I whip my hand out and snap up off my bed, only to see-

'GLOINK*, centipedes!' Centipedes. At least 8 crawl out of my drawer and onto the floor. I gag and scream and look for a shoe, only to realize the only shoes in this whole *zoink*'place are all on people's feet.

'Nope, the name's Jax, but good try,' Jax swings down from my closet, bouncing toward the drawer and carelessly picking up each centipede and throwing it into a box. 'Listen, I'm pretty heartless, but I'm not gonna leave my mess for you to clean. I'm a gentlemen, after all,' Jax flicks his eyes toward me, a smile creeping onto his face  as he sees my face set with embarrassment and rage.

'How long have you-'
'Since you entered your room.' Jax prompted. 'Gotta skedaddle,' and with that, he left the room.

'Ugh! I couldn't even get mad at his *DINGDONG*'

why, world? That could've rhymed. You really do hate me.

Ragatha, signing off.

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