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For once I walk into school and I don't feel scared as I used to be. Yesterday, my Scare Factor would have been like a 10, and now it's only around a 2, which is a very good thing. I feel a little tiny bit more confident. I hope I look more confident. Maybe, just maybe, if I looked more confident, Awsten wouldn't pick on me. Perhaps he takes advantage of me because I'm so shy.
- skip to 3rd lesson, (first lesson after break)
I think it has worked! Awsten hasn't bothered me at break time, even when he walked right past me! Sure, he glared at me, But he never said anything! Maybe he finds Kai intimidating. I really do hope so.
At lunch, me and Kai sit together again.
"Sorry, I won't be there 5th lesson. I have a dentist appointment," he explains, taking a bite of pizza.
"Oh. Oh, don't worry, that's fine!" I say, though my head I was cursing dentists and their crappy times.
5th lesson, all my confidence was gone. Thankfully, I had geography, a lesson I shared with no popular person AT ALL. I sit next to a quiet girl called Ashley the reason why I can't bother with her is because she already has her close - knit group. Plus I don't think she wants me attracting Awsten over there.
After geography, I start to walk home, feeling more vulnerable than ever now that Kai isn't by my side anymore, and I am out in the open. I walk under the gloomy subway, and feel a big hand close over my shoulder and press in tight. Here we go.
I turn around and am faced with Awsten, and but he looks angry. He takes his hand off of my shoulder, and instead places it tightly around my back on a threatening manner, though to onlookers I'm sure we looked like friends or partners. I really don't want to go, but if I don't he'll hurt me, no doubt.
He guides me out of the subway, and up onto the football field, which is like above the subway and to the left a little - school field mall.
"Don't worry. The rest of the guys aren't here," he says. He seems nice. TOO nice. He sits me down on the bench and stares at me. I stare at the grass, which was suddenly very interesting.
"Lilly," he purrs, and I'm preparing myself for a personality change, "why are you sitting at my lunch table all of a sudden?" I shrug my shoulders. "You know it's our table, don't you?" I nod my head. "Perhaps... perhaps it's because if a certain somebody. Does he make you feel confident, Lilly? Does his presence automatically make you feel more confident in yourself, is that it? I should hope not. Because when he's not around, well, you'd be coming down to earth with a bump then, won't you?" I ignore him.
"I SAID, won't you?" He says, shouting and leaping up from the bench in front of me. I ignore him again, and go to get up off the bench and storm off. Suddenly, awsten's leg kicks my calves and I fell backwards. My head hits the bench, and my beck also grazes it on the way down.
"Oww!" I help out in pain. Tears threaten to spill out of my eyes but I promise myself he won't make me cry, not again, I rub my eyes roughly to prevent tears. I look up at him and see him grinning.
"Right, mute. Answer me," he says in an intimidating tone.
"Um, he makes me feel... better about myself, if that's what you mean. I'm sorry, Awsten. I'm sorry if he's ruined your life's work off making me feel bad about myself, and not letting me be happy in school!" I rant.
"Oh, yes, we'll you will be sorry, Lilly, I can promise you that"
"W- why? I haven't done anything! You can have all the friends that you want, so why can't I?"
He turns on his heels and starts walking off the field, "bye, bitch," is all he mutters
I pick myself up off the floor and start to walk home quickly just in case my mom suspects anything. I am now really angry with Awsten. Like he is going to stop me from bothering with who I want, he simply can't do that!
When I get home I get dressed, and then go to groom maple. I love spending time with her. She makes me forget about Awsten and... everything. I turn her out in the field with Moonacre and my moms horse, Pablo- black and white horse it's nice that all the horses get on so well.
I come back, and at around 9:30 go to sleep wondering about what Awsten Knight could possibly do about me and Kai.

Falling in love with the bully * Awsten KnightWhere stories live. Discover now