Chapter 2 - Party Preparations

Start from the beginning

Entering your suite with Katakuri following you, you made a beeline for the shower, grabbing your nightgown off the bedside table along the way. Although there was still plenty to prepare, the other siblings had offered to take over for the evening. Partly to let you rest, but also to keep Katakuri from growing suspicious if you had stalked off with his siblings again.

"What are you and Brûlée up to?"

Briefly tensing at his observation, you wrapped a hand around the doorframe of the bathroom whilst leaning back, peeking your head out of it.

"What do you mean?" With your voice squeakier than you had intended to, not even you believed your poorly feigned nonchalance. Mentally facepalming that your voice revealed that his question had made you sweat internally, you tried to mask your freak out with a smile. "We are just hanging out like we always do."

Katakuri let out an acknowledging hum as he came over to you. Once he had reached your side, he crouched down, taking a strand of your hair between his fingers and giving it a quick twirl before his eyes flicked back on yours. "And you and Brûlée always hang out with glitter, too?"


If he hadn't figured out what you were up to, he was at least this close to doing it. Screaming loudly inside of your head, you let out a bizarre chuckle as you tried to come up with a way that would make him drop the topic instantly. If he could spend even a few more seconds thinking about it, he'd figure it out and ruin his own surprise.

With your mind going into overdrive, you came up with different ideas to distract him, but ended up disregarding every single idea just as quickly as quickly as it had popped up in your head. It was either utter bullshit and would only entice his curiosity, or you'd have to be too honest.

Just when your excessive overthinking was about to make smoke rise out of your ears, an idea popped up in your head, and you blurted it out before your brain could filter it out correctly.

"Oh yeah that," you laughed as you flicked the glitter off your hair, "Brûlée needed my opinion on some new underwear she bought for herself, and one had glitter."


Apparently, the trip to the clothing store had left a lasting impression. It wasn't necessarily how you had expected your afternoon curiosity to benefit you, but it was better than nothing.

Forcing your freak out to remain internal rather than external, you forced a smile on your lips as a drop of nervous sweat dropped down your temple. However, even though you were as stressed as Mont d'Or was when you did literally anything, you were also relieved to witness that your comment did what it was supposed to do.

Never before had Katakuri looked so mortified. Even though half of his face was masked, you could practically see his entire face cringe at the thought of the two of you buying underwear for his sister and then even judging it. In the meantime, you were busy making a mental note to either never tell Brûlée about the little white lie you had used her for, or to walk up to her and apologise.

However, even though you felt bad the second the words had left your lips, it still worked in your favour. It was the perfect combination of TMI, uncomfortable as she was his sister and as much as he loved her, he didn't want to think of that, and it was still believable.

Encouraged by your success, you continued in an effort to make it even more uncomfortable for both of you in hopes of making him forget about his suspicions.

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