(REQUESTED) good friends

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Requested by Teaganlombax

You had been living at the island of sodor for (pick a number) year(s) and had found a job there. While you were living in Sodor,  you had met many steam engines, including Edward who you're closest friends with.

One day after your work, you meet up with Edward at knapford station.

Edward: hello, y/n. How's your day at work?
You: it was way busy than any other days.
Edward: well hey. At least you made enough money.
You: I was thinking if I had a job as the driver and I could drive you!
Edward: *blushes at your tease* you know being the engine driver is hard work, y/n. You gotta learn alot about the routines and the passengers' exact locations.
You: I know I know. I'm just messing with you.

You and Edward giggled as you both kept chatting while Edward drops off and picks up passengers. When it's time for Edward to go, you bade goodbye.

Edward: see you tomorrow,  y/n! *blows his whistle*
You: see ya! *sees Edward leave*

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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