Ch. 2 - Cake

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"I GOT IT!" Nishinoya says as he has a container with a chocolate cake in it.

"Where...?" I ask.

"My mom insisted that I take some with me for a congratulations gift." Noya says

"Ok. Well, I'll let you off the phone now, ma'am. I'll be outside waiting for you if not, then one of my friends. What kind of vehicle will you be in so we know what to look for?"

"Oh, just a silver 4 door car. Thank you again for helping her. It means a lot to me."

"Oh, thanks. And it's no trouble at all. We'll see you soon. Drive safe ma'am."

"Thanks. And of course."


"Purple pudding?" She asks Noya with sparkles in her eyes and a smile on her face.

"*ring* hmm... oh, it's Misty's mom. Hey ma'am, what's up?"

"Hey, I just wanted to let you know that Misty is in an extremely vulnerable situation right now. So if you happen to have a video going right now, do not ever show her. She will break down if she sees it."

"Ok. I was thinking of showing her but if you suggest it , then I won't."

"Thank you. But keep it recording until she falls asleep and not after she wakes up."

"Ok ma'am. I'll let the boys kn... Why is she hugging Noya?"

"Like I said, she is vulnerable. Which means she is clingy. I trust that all of you will do the right thing. See you later. *click*."


Now -


"SUGAR! Cake!!!"

"I see that. Isn't Noya nice?" I ask her sweetly.


" Nishinoya."


"Yeah. I like Nishi." Noya says happily.

"Yayyy. Nishi likes Nishi. Nishi, nice... *gasps happily and claps hands together*... Nice Nishi. Sweet" she says as she points to Daichi.

"That's Daichi, sugar."

"Da... chi?"

"Yes, Daichi sweetie." Daichi says, agreeing with her, making her giggle and smiling.

"Dada Chi." She says after thinking what to call him, I'm sure.

"Dada?" Daichi asks her in a confused tone while pointing at himself.

"Ya... Dada..." She confirms while looking at the rest of the boys, myself included, and looks back at him and then hits her right fist into her left palm while frowning. "Dada!"

"Oh, I know what you're saying, Misty! ..." Hinata says while jumping into the air, causing her to look at him quickly.

"Weally?" She asks him.

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