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My alarm sounded. Argggghhhh. I look at it 5:30. I have school today. Monday. Oh god. It's the first day back after October half term, and I'm in year 12x I also want to do 6th form.
I roll out of bed and rub my bleary eyes. Sounds like it's raining. I quickly pull on some socks and wellies, and a waterproof coat. I put my hood up and tuck my wavy hair into it. Don't want to get too wet. I dash downstairs and out the front ready to take care of maple. She's my horse. I go to the stable block we have 3 horses altogether, including maple. I love her to bits. She's gorgeous. All the horses spent the night in the stable because it's been really wet lately. I walk into her stable and take her empty haynet and 2 buckets -he for her feed, one for her water. Then I go to the feed room and fill her haynet with sweet hay, and I make her feed. She gets a warm bran mash. Perfect for cold weather. I fill her water up, and take it in turns to carry everything back.
Maple seems to appreciate the food. I giggle as she roughly pulls loads of hay out of her haynet. She's so dopey. I go to the feed room and grab her rug, and come back and put it in her after changing her old rug. I sprinkle some new straw in her stable, and then I'm down. After I've said goodbye, of course. My sister and mom would see to their horses.
I run back to the house. What was that smell? I wander into the kitchen mmm .... Pancakes! My mom is just serving them up now! I go and sit at the island, and then my sister, Emma walks downstairs. Pretty, isn't she? Only she's the complete opposite of me. She's quite lazy, not very shy, (actually, she's quite confident), and our talents are in completely different fields. Emma is training to become a dentist. Lucky her, she had a day off from uni today. She drags herself to the table and sits next to me.
My mom dishes up my pancakes. "Thanks!" I smile, and tuck in, I could do with the energy.
"Hey! Where are my pancakes?" Asks Emma jokingly.
"Not until you feed your horse!" My mom tells her. Emma groans and shoves her wellies on and marches out into the awful weather. When I'm done with my pancakes, I quickly wash the dishes. By now, Emma is back inside, and eating her pancakes. I go upstairs and get changed for school. Autumn is properly my favourite season, except when the weather is like this, of course. I put on a little natural makeup, and style my hair into a ponytail. My hair looks quite good in a ponytail, f I do say so myself.
I'm already dreading school. I had such a lovely week off, schooling maple, and walking max, spending time with my family. Revision, yes, but I don't mind so much because I have no social life and I'm a complete and utter geek!
I come downstairs, and grab my bag. My mom says to me, "fancy a ride to school today?" I look out the window at the pouring rain.
"Uh, yes, please," I say, and follow her out to our car I love our car. I take a seat at the front, and my mom drives me to school. We pull up at the gates, and I get out after thanks her for the ride. And then I see him. As in Awsten Knight. A wave of nausea washes though me, and I feel my muscles tense up as I get out of the car here me go, this could only end in one possible way - me getting hurt.

Falling in love with the bully * Awsten KnightWhere stories live. Discover now