Lilly james Taylor

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Hi my name is Lilly  james Taylor , and this is all you need to know about me!Appearance: long brown, wavy hair, bluey green eyes, pale skin, medium height, dark pink coloured lips, (unless I'm wearing lipstick, obviously), and also I'm very skinny

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Hi my name is Lilly  james Taylor , and this is all you need to know about me!
Appearance: long brown, wavy hair, bluey green eyes, pale skin, medium height, dark pink coloured lips, (unless I'm wearing lipstick, obviously), and also I'm very skinny. I have a short body in comparison to my long legs.
Personality: shy, kind, caring, quiet, timid, little confidence, friendly to those who get to know me, can be chatty, again, depending on how well you know me, passionate, charitable, animal lover, trustworthy, innocent, loyal,geeky, smart, loves to learn .....
Personal qualities: I'm academic -good At English, R.E, history, and pretty good at biology too. Teachers love me! I can keep a secret. I'm very forgiving (perhaps too forgiving), I'm sympathetic, and good with animals.
Bad qualities: I'm a weakling. I can't help that though, can I? The mathematical side of my brain is,like, dead. Although I scrape by in tests .... The fact that I'm too trusting and forgiving of people could also be a bad quality.... I have little common sense. I'm not very good at team sports, though I am a pretty fast runner, and quite flexible.
Dream:to become a vet, write books, and own a lot of pets. :)
Pets: a retriever called max
I also own a car called maisy
And my parents brought a young horse 2 months ago for when I entered year 11! I love riding, and horses, so I recently acquired maple! She's 3, so still a filly really, but I'm breaking her so it won't be long until I can ride her. She's 16 hands high, and she'll probably only grown another inch or so. But yeah.
Home: I love my home! We have our own stables, (3 of them), and also a small menage, and a big field.

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