Falling ~Chapter 1

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(A/N Picture above made by me! Hope y'all like it!)

Falling. That is the last thing I remembered, before I fell to the bottom of the well. I didn't remember that it was Tobias and his cronies who pushed me. I didn't remember that I was sleeping on a park bench for the past year. I didn't remember that I was abused until I killed him. Just falling. The wind pushing against me and my force of gravity being too heavy for it to bring me back up. The cool dampness of the air as I got closer to the murky bottom. The smack as I finally hit the water hard enough to break my neck. And then... nothing.


I woke up in a dead land. The sky was red, the grass yellow, and the trees stood baren, leaves long decayed.

I looked down and gasped. I was wearing a tunic and sandals instead of my usual hoodie and jeans. In my hand was a bow and I could feel a quiver on my back, full of arrows. I hadn't done archery in years. So why was it here? And then I heard it. A roar. Ah. Now I know. I ducked for cover behind a strange, mushroom shaped boulder, and heard a snuffle in the direction I came from. Then, it moved on. I breathed out a sigh of relief, until I spotted the boy. The boy with wings! I fainted.


I woke up shivering. I wondered why until I felt the water running down my body. I leaped up, startling the Butter-boy. Wait. I turned around slowly, and gasped. "Wha-" I coughed before I could finish speaking and saw blood on my palm, where I had covered my mouth. The boy rushed for me as a dizzy spell took me, and I passed out once again. The last thing I remembered is the boy muttering, "I need to take her to Johnny. He can help!", then nothing.


I woke up again. This time however, there was a man with a top hat and bright red hair. His eyes were bronze, but when he saw me wake up, they turned a happy green. My eyes have always been purple. When I'm upset, they turn a dark violet. I was made fun of for them, I remember, but I can't recall where. But as I stared at this man, I could feel the orbs flicker to an intense lavender. In my mind I knew it was wrong, but as I leaped on him and gave him a bone crushing hug, I knew in my soul, he's mine!


Johnny's POV

The girl Absolum brought me was gorgeous. Dark, shoulder length auburn hair, pale smooth skin, and, as she opened her eyes, I noticed they were a deep purple, changing hue as she saw me, going to, what I assumed is a nice lavender. But what had me so pissed that my eyes changed, is the bruises. Her legs, arms, neck, and face were covered in angry blotches of green purple and red. And that was just what's uncovered. My sight went red. But then... she woke up.

"ungh... wha..."

As she woke, she made the cutest of sounds. And when she opened her eyes and saw me... well, you already know.


Ash's POV

As I thought about what I just did, I blushed bright pink, and leaped off him. Luckily, he didn't seem to mind, so I should be safe. If he tries anything like- no, not ready to think on him yet- if he tries anything, he'll meet an arrow in the gut.

As I gathered myself up, I noticed I was in new clothes. Someone changed my clothes, I panic. I groped for my bow and aimed at the people around me. "Nobody comes near me! I am going to back away slowly and leave! Thank you for your... assistance, but I must go now. ...good day everyone!"

As I dashed away, I couldn't help thinking about the man with mood ring eyes. Someday, I vowed to myself. Someday, I will see what that was all about! But not today. Today, I run.


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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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