"Uh, or not?" Bonnie says, standing up. "It's Belly's first date, guys."

"Yeah, I don't want to watch Belly hooking up with some kid in the back seat of a minivan." Conrad cringes, closing his eyes.

"Hey, wait. Why don't we go to the drive-in?" Jeremiah says, smirking at Steven.

"Really?" Steven laughs.

"Yeah! Why not?" He confirms.

"When Belly yells at you Jeremiah don't come crying to me." Bonnnie says, turning back around to grab Dean's hand, "Come on, I'll get Laurel to help you with author things." She smiles, pulling him up and turning around quickly.

The quick and sudden movement paired with Conrad's already drunk state causes him to accidently spill the drink all over the front of Bonnie's shirt.

She gasps at the coldness of the liquid and steps back quickly in shock.

"Oh shit!" Steven gasps.

"Crap!" Conrad yells, watching the girl look up at him with anger all over her face.

"Conrad!" She hisses, looking down at her now very ruined shirt.

"I'm sorry!" He says, putting the cup down. "You walked into me!" He hisses back.

"I walked into you?" She glares, "You're drunk!" She points out the obvious. "You are drunk, and you ruined my fucking shirt!" She says, pushing past him. 

"I'm so sorry for tonight." Bonnie says, now in Dean's jumper with her dirty shirt in her hand. 

"No, don't be." He smiles, turning off the car engine. "I had fun."

"Well good. I did too. Apart from the ruined clothing part." She laughs a little.

"Yeah, now you smell like an alcoholic." Dean laughs, turning slightly to face the girl.

"Oh, whatever." She scoffs, laughing harder. 

"It's ok though." He says, his voice dropping to nearly a soft whisper. "You look really good in my jumper." He says, reaching over and brushing a strand of blonde hair behind her ear.

"That was cheesy." She whispers as well, a giant smile on her face.

"Probably." He laughs a little, not moving his hand from her cheek. "Can I kiss you?" He asks, his voice remaining soft and warm.

"Yeah, sure." She says, closing her eyes as she feels his lips on her own.

It starts off soft and slow, the pair simply taking in each other and figuring out the emotions. Dean gently places his hands on the girl's cheeks, holding her delicately and gently. Bonnie smiles at his movements and holds on the back of his neck, playing with the back of his hair. She almost gasps in shock when his tongue slides across her bottom lip almost like knocking on a door and waiting to be let in. She parts her lips letting the tongue explore each other as his hands drop to her waist.

They pull apart to unbuckle their seatbelts and laugh a little at the awkward tension. As soon as they're free Dean pulls Bonnie onto his lap, holding her waist in place as he gently grinds her down on his lap.

The pair continue their no heated make out session with breathy moans hands grabbing at their clothing to try and pull it off, but they're interrupted by a car horn. Bonnie jumps at the obnoxious noise and pulls away from Dean to turn around and look over and see who or what made it.

There, sitting in his car with a slightly angry but humored expression was Conrad. He waves at the girl with a sarcastic smile before yelling out. "Come on, Bonnie! It's past your bedtime!" 

Bonnie sighs with anger evident in her face as she turns back around to look down at Dean. "I am so sorry. I don't even know why he's in his car. He's drunk." She says, her face now red with embarrassment. 

"Don't worry about it. He's very evidently jealous." He almost laughs, keeping his hands on his lap as she climbs off of him.

"I don't think it's jealousy." She laughs, leaning around to the backseat to grab her shirt she had thrown. "Do you want your jacket back now?" She asks, looking down at the material on her. 

"No, don't worry about it." He smiles, "I'll get it back next time... To make sure there is one." He laughs.

"Ok." She laughs as well, opening the door and climbing out, "Thank you for coming. I did have fun." She smiles. Hearing Conrad get out of his car behind her, she leans in and kisses Dean quickly on the lips. "Bye."

"Bye!" He cheers, pulling out of the driveway. 

"How scandalous, Bonnie. Making out with your date in his car!" Conrad laughs, clearly teasing her.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" She shouts, turning around to shout at him. "I was having a good night getting to know him and you spilled champagne all over me! Then you ruin our kiss like a fucking child!" She scolds him, her anger overwhelming her.

"Oh, come on!" He shouts, scoffing at her. "The champagne was an accident and Dean is just gonna break your heart-!" Conrad is quickly cut off by Bonnie's loud voice.

"Dean is a good guy! Who I like Conrad! Show some respect for him and me!" She snaps, going to walk away. 

"Don't come crying to me when he leaves you Bonnie!" He shouts at her retreating figure walking up the porch.

"I definitely won't you asshole!"

Tragedy - Conrad FisherWhere stories live. Discover now