Cause and Effect

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"This should get the reaction we need"said Darius(DDWI member)
"Should go viral too"said Gerald(DDWI member)
"Boy we do not care we just want NGL to stop being pus"said Nova(DDWI member)
"Just sayin'"
"Your name is Gerald stfu"
DDWI released the song at 12:00 that midnight and NGL heard it within the hour.
"Nah we ain't about to let that slide"claimed Orion(NGL member)
"Definitely not let's go" said Willow(NGL member)
"Bet, let's get Malik and go"
Orion and Nova grabbed three Glock 17s and walked out the house and into there van. They drove over to the gun store where Malik was.
"Yo Malik get in"shouted out Nova
"What's up?"asked Malik
"DDWI dissed us and we don't let that stuff slide"answered Orion
"Bet, I just bought a new Draco too"
Malik got into the car and they drove over to the street where DDWI hangs out and drove around looking for anyone related. They saw Eddy, a DDWI member, and Malik poked his gun out the car window and while driving by, shot him until the gun was no longer in range of his body.
"Should've never told us to slide"yelled out Malik
Right after the shooting, NGL decided to head to the studio and make a diss to respond to DDWI. They make the song all about there fallen member and how they messed up telling them to slide. After the song was recorded they released at midnight and they all went there separate ways and to bed.
That night DDWI member Darius heard about Eddys death and immediately went over to the NGL block and went to member Uno's house. Darius broke in through the window and went around until he found Uno laying in his bed asleep. Luckily Uno was a heavy sleeper and didn't hear Darius break in. Uno always kept a gun next to him on the night stand.
Darius raised his gun to Uno's face and pulled the trigger. Uno didn't die immediately so he had to shot him a couple more times to put him down quicker. Darius ran back out the window and into his car. He drove off from the house and went to his friend Rex's house. He knew we would be safe to sleep there without trouble.
The next day Orion woke up to his phone ringing. He picked it up and it was Willow telling him that Uno was shot and they didn't know who did it, but they definitely were a DDWI member. Orion said they'll get there revenge and told Willow to let Malik know what happened. Orion hung up the phone and threw it across the room in anger. He yelled profanities for a while before finally getting up and going on with his day. He already knew DDWI was gonna do something, he just didn't know it would be so quick. He knew they would get there revenge. He just had to wait.

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