Part 1

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Third-person POV

Pump slowly opens his eyes and yawn, slowly sitting up from his bed. He rubs his eyes a bit, his vision a little blurry. He still feels tired, but he can ignore it. It's not that important right now, anyways. He slowly gets up from the bed, yawning once more. He looks outside the window, looking around the town. Out of the blue, something starts ringing. It's his phone. He turns around and picks up his phone from the nearby nightstand. The caller ID is familiar at first glance. With a closer look, it seems that Skid is calling him. He's a little freaked out, and hesitates.

"Is this really a good idea? He's trying to kill me.."

He pausing his thinking for a moment, the phone still ringing.

"I'll see what he wants.. That's it."

Pump answers the phone at a leisurely pace, still a bit skeptical and anxious about this, but he has to put that aside for now. All he can hear is heavy breathing on the other line. He finally talks into the phone.

".. Hello..?"

He waits for a response impatiently, thinking of all the possible things Skid could say to him. Such as "I'm coming for you," or "you're dead to me." After a few seconds pass, that honestly felt like hours to Pump, he finally gets a response.

"Hello, Pump.."

Skid's voice was the same as always, but at the same time was a bit.. Off.. His voice was full of malice. You can practically hear him grinning crazily through the phone. Pump thinks for a moment, hesitating to even answer him. He could just hang up and it would all be over. But at the same time, that'll just anger Skid. Skid is already hunting him down, trying to murder him, so it's not a very good idea to do anything that will irritate him. Eventually, Pump responds, as Skid is very impatient.

"What do you want..?"

Skid stays silent on the other line for a bit, before laughing loudly. But this laugh wasn't friendly, as if he was watching something hilarious. His laughter is very menacing and ominous. Skid's laughter just puts Pump more on edge than he already was. It's not easy to tell how Skid's really feeling. For all Pump knows, he could be bursting at the seams, about to snap. He could be happy and ecstatic. He could even be remorseful and sad. Skid was always known for being able to hide his feelings well.

"Hah! What do I want? Well, I want a lot of things, really.. But most importantly, I want you; dead."

Skid lets out a little giggle, as if he just told a joke. Pump lets out a small sigh, not even bothering to answer. Pump might as well hang up, but he knows that will infuriate Skid, and as it was stated earlier, that's not the best course of action at the moment exactly. Skid doesn't mind the silence, though. Instead, he breaks the silence.

"But, there is something I want from you.. Before I kill you.."

Pump feels intrigued by whatever Skid wants, although he's still very uncertain about all of this. Despite everything inside of Pump telling him that this is a bad idea, he pushes the feelings down and answers.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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