The Dream

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I woke up with a bead of sweat dripping down my face, feeling the fan blowing from above me, and the dreaded feeling you get from having a nightmare. I look over to my Micheal, sleeping beside me, seeing the peace etched on his face, he was clearly dreaming. I get up and start to walk to the kitchen, feeling fur brush along my leg. "Oh Loki, it's so good to see you right now" I whisper, as I pick up my cat. Then I get into the kitchen, and set Loki on the counter. I grab a glass from the cupboard, and fill it with water from the fridge. I turn around as I drink the water, seeing my Micheal in the doorway. "Why are you up so early?" he asked, worried. "I just had a nightmare, that's all" I say placing the cup down on the counter. Loki meowed at me, and I picked him up. "Well you wanna know the perfect solution to a nightmare?" he asked.  "What?". "To go on a night time ride, just to get out of the house for a little while" he soothed. Then we walked to the room, so we could get decent for the outside world. Then I packed Loki in a harness, and put his leash on him, then we walked to the truck. As we climbed in, Loki went in, and snuggled into his bed in the back seat. Then my Micheal turned on the truck, and we pulled out of the drive, and drove off. 

We drove and drove, and as I watched through the window, seeing the lights go by, my Micheal constantly looked at me, with worry on his face. I looked back at Loki, and he was peacefully sleeping in the back. I loved that cat so much, and I loved my man so much, with them, I feel truly safe. Like nothing in this world could hurt me. I looked out the window, and noticed all the water droplets on it, due to the rain. I could see all the grass blades rise and fall due to the wind, and I noticed all the rocks in the gravel. 

We came to a stop, we were in a park. I grabbed Loki, and me and Micheal climbed out of the truck. Loki snuggled up next to me in my arms. We went and sat at a bench, I felt the water seep through my pj pants, I felt the cold air on my skin, the water droplets falling on my hair. Loki kept looking at me, and I didn't know why, but I kept thinking it was him worried about me. "So what happened in your dream?" Micheal asked. "I just lost you, that's all" my voice cracked as I said it. I didn't want to cry, I didn't want him to know I'm worried about losing him. "Oh, baby" he whispered as he pulled me close to him. "I'm never leaving you" he soothed. I fell into his chest, losing all support of my weight, then the tears starting running. I sat there and cried, not holding back, while he rubbed circles in my back, helping me through the worry that I've held in. 

Then when I stopped crying I looked up at him, seeing happy and worry on his face. "I'm sorry" I cried. "Your ok, baby, I much rather have you cry this out, instead of hold it in" he cooed. "I love you so much, I never want to lose you, not to anything" I expressed. "I know, the same thing goes for me" he uttered. "We should go home" I stated, wiping one last tear from my cheek. We both got up, and Loki meowed. I looked at him, and I noticed he never looked at Micheal, he always just looked at me. We got in the truck, and then drove away. I looked out the window again, a new feeling washed over me, the same dread you get from a nightmare. Then light shown through the windshield, and next thing I knew, was I saw Micheal lying in the driver seat, lifeless. "NO!" I screamed. 

Then I woke up, back in my room, back where everything started. I looked over and saw Micheal sleeping peacefully, still alive. Then I saw Loki, sitting there sitting in front of me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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