chapter 4

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trigger warning: depression
(only little mentioned)
~1 month later~

I get in the van and Nick hugs me and say good morning and so do Matt. "What are you doing here I thought you going with your brother." Firstly, my brother is on a class trip for two weeks and that's why I'm going with you and secondly, everyone here loves me, so also good morning Chris. I smile at him provocatively and he look back angry. "I'd rather walk to school before I sit in a car with you for two weeks." Matt suddenly stops and we look at him confused. "If you like to walk, get out Chris or you shut up now and drive with us to school." Nick and I start laughing and Chris just leans back in his seat angrily. We talk a little and then we're already there. We hug Madi and Nathan because they are already waiting for us and walk in together because we all have the same class the first two hours. We now have two hours with our class. We sit down and everyone is talking until the teacher comes in. "So you already know that we are going on a class trip next week but this class trip will be something completely different than usual."We look at each other and then continue listening. "This class trip you will all be divided into groups of two and will be abandoned in the middle of the forest because you all had the topic live alone and you can prove yourself in small houses. You don't have your mobile phone or any other social media things for this week. The only thing you can take with you if you want are laptops, but they have to be handed in before at school so that the school can restrict the laptops. We all look shocked and the whole class is suddenly silent. "Before you start talking, I will divide the groups and nothing will be changed." Now everyone is just looking more shocked and I'm starting to get nervous. What happens when I come into a house with someone I don't like. I'm slowly getting panicked but Matt notices that and tries to calm me down. I get calm and smile but then our teacher starts to read the groups. He reads the groups and the first are Nick and Madi. The two are happy and I am also happy for them but I still get panic. I'm trying to calm down and there are still Matt and Nathan there. She continues reading and then she says the last two groups. Matt and Nathan come into a group and I come into a group with Chris. No, that can't be true. Of all the people from this class, I come into a group with Chris. I was shocked and couldn't do anything. Chris was at least as shocked as I was. Our friends only look at us shocked and the whole class is quiet because everyone knows what the relationship between me and Chris is like. " You can't do that, sir." Yes, you can't be serious about that. The teacher just ignores us and we both still sit there shocked. When the class is over, Chris and I get up immediately and run to our teacher. "You can't do that, you know exactly that we don't like each other." Yes, you can't make us locked up together for one week. Chris and I continue to discuss until our teacher says something. "It's enough for me with you, you don't do anything else but discuss." You can't lock me up for one week with such an idiot. Y/N pay attention to your language. "You two will stay in a group and if one of you says a word, you will both fail." Now we both stood quietly in front of our teacher while he starts packing, we walk out and everyone from our friends is already waiting for us outside. I immediately go to Matt and hug him. I could cry. Chris just bitches around and walks past us. Guys, I can never do that for one week. "Hey, maybe it's not that bad and you get to know each other better." Your serious Nick I know that he is your brother but me and Chris will never get along. No one says anything about it anymore and we just walk to the cafeteria. The whole break no one says anything and we go to our next class. After school, Matt takes me home and when I'm home I start crying. On the one hand, I was happy before this morning because I'm away from home for one week with Madi, Nathan, Nick and Matt, but now it feels like I'm going to hell even though I wanted to get out of this hell at home. When I calmed down, I think carefully again. I can't change it, so I have to be able to survive this week. I'm trying to ignore the thing so I'm starting to pack. But I quickly realize that I don't know what to pack, so I just call our group. Wow no one goes to it so there are two of us. "I'm not good enough for you or what." Of course Matt you know that haha. "and I'm here too so you're not alone with Matt." Super Nick haha I'm happy you join us. I see that you are packing too and that's why I called you because I don't know what to pack. We talk and try to help each other somehow with the packing and that works maybe a little bit but we go further than before. We laugh because Nick has said something funny again and my mood is better again until Chris comes in. He wanted to ask Matt something about clothes and when he sees me he goes out annoyed again and Matt follows him. When Matt comes back I become aware of what I wanted to distract myself. Guys, I'm really scared because you're the only ones who know about my depression and what makes it even worse. I'm afraid that Chris will say something that completely destroys me and then I won't get out of this house. "Y/N I know you're scared and I understand that but believe me even if you don't want to hear it Chris is sometimes not as heartless as he comes across." You keep saying that Matt, but it would be nice if he showed that." "Matt is really right Chris is not as bad as you think you will see." Yes, but even if, he doesn't know that I have depression and that he says things that really hurt me and make me cry. "Yes, I know what you mean, but we can talk to him again without telling him that you have depression." I love you, I hope you know that guys haha. "We love you girl haha."


I just wanted to ask Matt something about my clothes, but when I come in Matt and Nick talk to Y/N on facetime. I immediately go out annoyed again because I have to see this face for the next shitty week and that's already too much for me. Matt runs behind and helps me but goes back and continues on the phone. I have to get something from the kitchen when I hear about Y/N with Matt and Nick. Y/N has depression. I swallow and keep listening. Shit, I said things that hurt her extremely. I don't care what she thinks of me, but that I hurt her so much and made her cry was not my intention. I'm getting scared that I'm saying something far too bad in this one week in the house. I don't like her but I don't want to make people cry or make depression worse. Matt didn't have depression, but I know how bad it is when you feel extremely shitty and I don't want to make it worse. I have to talk to Matt and Nick later, even if they know that I overheard them, but I can't stand it otherwise. I quickly get my charging cable and go back to my room. I pack quickly to the end and just want to see if Matt and Nick are finished when they are right in front of my door. I just say it directly instead of talking about it so much. How long has Y/N depression? Both just look at me in shock." Why do you know Chris." Please don't get mad now, I might have overheard you a bit earlier and heard what she said. Am I the reason why she has depression because I don't like her but you have to believe me I don't want that. I keep talking more and more until Matt finally says something. "Chris calm down, she didn't get depression because of you." But did I make it worse? Nick and Matt just look at each other uncertainly. "So you haven't done it better sometime." Fuck, please, you have to believe me, I really don't like her, but I never wanted to do that. Can you tell me what I shouldn't do or say in this week so that I don't make it worse. "We can't say so much because we don't know what she wants, but just watch what you say and see how she reacts and she's already stressed enough because she's scared." Okay, I'll try, I promise. "I hope so for you and please promise me that you will take care of her no matter how." I promise you Matt.

Soo next chapter the class trip will begin:)
I hope you like the story and comment and like if you want
love youu🫶🏻

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