another 3l ending cuz why not

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He sat above Monopoly Mountain, a bloody crown above his head. Two graves sat next to him- a beloved pet, and his beloved owner. Both lost to this war-torn world. But now everything was over. The world was silent, the remnants of betrayal or love left to decay. He was the only one left. He had won.

But he had lost everything.

His wings were a dirty mess, covered in sand and dried blood. He was holding a netherite sword in his hand- not his own, but his partner's. His ride-or-die.

He stood up and limped through the desert, leaving nothing but footprints and bloodstained blocks of sands. His wings brushed along the top of the dunes as his body slowly trudged towards the mountain of diamonds and precious resources that was left.

He looked back for a moment at the place that all the action had happened, at the very first base and where it all ended. A smile spread across his face as he closed his eyes and let the winds take him wherever they wanted.

This was the last day and the last adventure of the King who won everything...but for what?

He opened his eyes again, staring into the horizon as the blood of the fallen mixed with the sands of the desert. There was nothing left for him to do, nowhere to go. There was nothing in the world he wanted to explore anymore, nor had anything left to explore.

The sound of distant chirping birds echoed throughout the desert, sounding like a message of hope. But this was not the time for hope- it was a time for rest.

It took him a while to realize what the birds were chirping: A melody his partner had played for him, a song of love and hope and promise. The melody that he had heard so many times, now twisted and distorted into a message of loss and mourning.

He slowly walked up to the top of the mountain where the birds still chirped, watching the sunset over the horizon. He sat on the sand, closing his eyes and letting the sand sink into him. His wings drooped low against the ground.

That was it. He knew that when he fell asleep this time, he wouldn't wake up for many more centuries, if ever. He was okay with this. He just wanted to be done with this world and to finally get some rest. He had lived a century of pain and glory, and it was time to sleep.

He sat down, closing his eyes and letting his wings take him away from the harshness of the world. Perhaps he could dream of peace and serenity. Or at least, something beyond war and betrayal, blood and sand.

He felt his spirit slowly drift up and out of his body, his eyes still closed tightly. He knew this was it. He felt free. Free of the burden of the crown, free of the battles he had fought, and free of the pain he had felt.

He wanted this to be his last dream, a peaceful one where he can be free of all the turmoil of the world. He slowly drifted away, waiting for the sunrise.

He felt the warmth of the sun rise above his head. He opened his eyes, not expecting anything to be there. But there was something there that brought back a single, hopeful memory. He looked down, and sure enough, it was his partner. Alive and well, as if nothing had happened in that day long ago.*l

He felt his heart lift and beat again as his partner spoke a few words to him:

"Hello, my King."

His eyes widened as he felt his heart swell with hope and love. He looked at them in surprise, holding no words in his mouth.

His partner spoke again:

"Welcome back, my King. I've been waiting for you to rise again. How was your rest?"

A million thoughts raced through his head as he tried to form a single word to say to them.

The only thing he managed was: "Why?"

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