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"Oh my sweet nephews!" She said and looks at all of them. "So grown up" she teared up. "What brings you here?" Darius asked. "She's the owner of the show. I had no idea you we're related to shadow." Katherine said. "Well I had no idea I would be having my Irish dancers perform in front of my nephews until Vladimir called" Rowena smiled. "Wait Irish dancers? Are we going to watch the Irish dance?!" Shadow asked excitedly. "Yes I travel the world showing our Irish culture which by the way we do got people waiting inside for the show. "She smiled and they walk more in seeing booths of traditional Irish foods, crafts, and music. "Wow" the gang said and looks at the booths while trying some of the foods. Shadow, Darius and Scourge immediately went to a booth that had a black pudding and fried potato cakes. Vladimir and Rowena smiled seeing their sister's children enjoying the traditional food. "Make sure they are standing together my dear brother" Rowena smiled. "Why is that?" "You will see" she smiled and clap her hands grabbing the both runner's attention. "Everyone please start gathering to the center of the arena the traditional dance will begin shortly" she announced and they finish up before closing the booths. "You guys are going to love this!" Shadow smiled as everyone gathered. "He's really excited for this" silver said and takes a bite of a fried potato on a stick. "Yeah he is" Rouge smiled. "Shadow Rowena requested you boys stand together and watch" Vladimir said and they do a bit confused as the music starts playing. Rowena walks up as the dancers gather behind her. "Ladies and Gentlemen thank you all for coming to celebrate, learn, and to enjoy our Irish culture. Now we will end this with a traditional dance close and dear to my heart that is also known as Riverdance. I will warn you these dances are full of surprises you may see one you may not. Now with that being said relax and enjoy the show." She smiled as the violin became more prominent and the dancer start the dance. The gang were amazed by the dancing and sonic looks over at the brother before tapping Mario's shoulder. "Look at that" he whispered and Mario looks seeing the brothers tapping their feet and scourge was tapping his fingers to the movement of the song on his arm. "Wow they want to join" he whisper back. "I know right?" Sonic smiled. Rowena and Vladimir smiled seeing the same thing and Rowena taps her brother's shoulder. "Get them ready brother dear." She said and starts walking up then turns around just as the music got more tribal. "Remember when I said there be surprises? Well my brother and nephews are in the crowd today and I would like to invite them to join in to honor their mother and father" she smiled and Vladimir pushed the three. "No way!" Knuckles and Luigi said as the three shrugged and got into the position. They start dancing with their aunt and uncle impressing shadow's friends and the rest of the crowd. Everyone started clapping to the beat as the dance got more intense. Shadow and his bothers had a huge smile on their faces feeling their mother's presence in their dance. Once the music stops they posed making everyone clap and whistle. They bowed with the dancers and everyone starts to disperse after Rowena thanks everyone again for coming. "That was amazing!" Daisy said. "Honestly I didn't think I still had that in me" scourge said out of breath. "Same here" shadow and Darius said. "It's in your blood boys and you're mother would've be so proud" Rowena smiled. "Yeah...she would've..." shadow looks down. "We miss her and your father too boys everyday" Vladimir said. "As do I and i know they are smiling right now at you all." A male voice said. They turn seeing a male black and white hedgehog with red eyes with a female green hedgehog with red eyes. "Oh no...." Knuckles muttered. "What? Who is that?" Rouge asked.

"Grandfather? Grandmother?"

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