Chapter - 6 The One With The Queen's Gambit

Start from the beginning

'But i cant be the only one rooting for you Mr Khanna. You cant have your way always and make me confess while you dont let out whats going in that really dark mind of yours. It has to be a two way game. Am striking back, mr. national crush.', she flashed her evil smile.

Kets- what now? Dont ask me to drop you at Khanna's. He must be with his girlfriend.

RG- ha! I dont have to go there to distract him from his girlfriend!

Kets rolled her eyes.

RG- listen Kets. am taking an off.

Kets- whats with you both? Just yesterday we chalked Gaurav's schedule out and now. I cant. Am sorry. Come to work.

RG- but i am taking off.

She made a puppy face.

Kets- dont do this yaar! I know you havent taken a break for a long time. But ..

RG- please try na Kets

Kets- okay go. I will manage. But make sure you enjoy well and dont sit around brooding.

RG kissed Kets and left a lipstick mark on her cheeks.

RG- one more request. Just keep the details about where I am going confidential. Do not share with anyone.

Kets- but where are you going?

RG- shhh secret.

Next morning

It was 10 o clock schedule. GK got a message around 7 from Kets that read... 'you woke up? You are clearly not holidaying or trekking so come to work'

GK gave a cheesy smile and replied 'I was planning to come baby, missed you so much' with a kiss symbol and laughed out loud.

Kets replied 'forwarding your message to your Rupali Madam'

GK - 'haww! I got scared. Okay, also forward this to my madam' and added another kiss emoticon.

He jumped down from the bed and ran to the shower saying 'Today I am gonna meet you and make up for making you cry baby......' in a sing-song manner.

He reached the sets and went around looking for her. Checked every room on the sets and knocked on every co-actor's doors. No luck. She wasnt anywhere. 'She is always on the sets. Before anyone else. Why hasnt she come yet!?' he mumbled to himself and ran to find Bhim, the AD.

Bhim was supervising the lighting when GK ran to him.

GK- Bhim, whats my scene today? Where is Rupali? I wanted to...mmm..

Bhim- you wanted to??

GK- rehearse. Rehearse our lines once.

Bhim- you want to rehearse? You both always throw the papers away and walk into the scene so spontaneously. Whats the matter today?

GK- stop questioning me and tell me where is Rups

Bhim- you dont have any scene with her today. And i dont think she is shooting today.

GK- not shooting means? Why? Where is she?

Bhim- I dont know. Kets will have to say.

GK left before Bhim to could utter another word.

Kets was in her room typing fast in her mac book. GK barged into the room and bombarded her with questions.

GK- where is Rupali? Why isnt she shooting today? Is she attending an event or is she shooting for an ad? When will she be back? Arent there so many MaAn scenes to shoot? Can you ask her to come back please?

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