She shot him a mock glare. "Worrying is part of the package deal when you care about someone, you know."

His gaze softened, and he gave her a small smile. "Well, I appreciate the concern. But really, I'll be fine."

As (Y/n) continued to tend to his wound, the destruction of L'Manburg served as a chaotic backdrop to this intimate moment, a stark contrast to the chaos that had just unfolded.

Philza, observing the ongoing destruction of L'Manburg, approached Technoblade and (Y/n). His expression was grave as he spoke, "You two should hurry. This place won't be safe for much longer."

Technoblade nodded, glancing at the crumbling remnants of L'Manburg. "Yeah, we need to get out of here."

(Y/n) finished tending to Techno's wound, concern still lingering in her eyes. "Are you sure you're okay to move?"

Techno gave her a reassuring smile. "I'm tougher than I look, (Y/n). Let's go."

Philza led the way towards the portal, his wings carrying him effortlessly over the uneven terrain. The destruction left behind by withers and explosives painted a desolate picture of what was once a lively and bustling community.

As they approached the portal, the distant echoes of explosions grew louder, a symphony of destruction. The urgency in Philza's voice lingered as he urged them to move quickly, a sense of foreboding hanging in the air.

Walking through the Nether, Technoblade couldn't help but break the silence with a compliment. "I have to say, (Y/n), your archery skills back there were impressive. Taking down those enemies with precision."

(Y/n) smiled, a mixture of pride and gratitude in her eyes. "Thanks, Techno. It's not every day I get to showcase my archery in such chaotic situations."

Technoblade chuckled, "Well, in this world, chaos seems to find us one way or another. Your skills definitely came in handy today."

The group pressed on through the Nether's rugged terrain, the portal to their world shimmering in the distance. Despite the destruction behind them, Technoblade's acknowledgment of (Y/n)'s abilities provided a small moment of camaraderie amid the chaos.

Passing through the portal, the stark transition from the fiery Nether to the serene snowy landscape was a welcome change. The world they returned to was a quieter one, at least for now. Philza bid them farewell, disappearing into the snowy expanse on his own path home.

Technoblade and (Y/n) trudged through the snow towards their base, each step carrying the weight of the recent events. The cold air was a stark contrast to the heated chaos they had just left behind. Entering their home, Techno closed the door behind them.

The interior held a comforting familiarity, a sanctuary from the tumultuous world outside. The soft glow of torches illuminated the room, casting dancing shadows on the walls. Technoblade sighed, the tension slowly leaving his shoulders.

"(Y/n), thanks for having my back out there," he said, a genuine appreciation in his eyes.

She nodded, a silent understanding passing between them. "Always, Techno. We make a good team."

The two settled into their space, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in the comforting refuge they called home.

(Y/n) eyed Technoblade with a determined expression. "Alright, big guy, armor off. Let's take care of that wound."

Techno raised an eyebrow, a teasing smirk playing on his lips. "Oh, are you offering your medical expertise now? I wasn't aware you were a licensed pig-apothecary."

A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now