Meeting Madeline Usher

Start from the beginning

"I would love to," I say with a smile, thinking I might be able to get some information from her about our suspect or her brother than Captain Raydor might not kill me, as we had good reason that our suspect was here to try and kill Roderick Usher, our suspects soon to be ex-wife informed us that they'd lost a lot of money after investing with Mr Usher, I felt she had been holding back some information from us unfortunately i didn't have time to push her into giving up whatever she was hiding as we had to act quickly, once again Oren grabbed my arm, being myself back to the present, "Oren let go of my arm," I warned him.

"You didn't answer my question," Oren asks me, god he really is stupid, I couldn't help feeling sorry for him, even as annoying as he is, I let out a heavy sigh, shaking my head slightly.

"If you want girls to like you, try talking less, also try picking up a book, so when you do talk you might actually have something interesting to say, and don't talk about yourself all the time," I tell him holding onto Madeline's hand a little tighter, like my life depended on it, while reminding myself to thank her for the rescue.

"And don't grab women," Madeline added as we made our way towards the dance floor.

Madeline entwining our fingers together, looping her other arm around my waist, pulling me close, I placed my hand on her shoulder as Madeline began leading me around to the music as we began to slow dance, Madeline moved slowly giving my footwork time to catch up with her footwork, while we danced, I didn't know why my heart was beating this fast, my heart only normally beats this fast when I'm near Sharon.

"Thank you for coming to my rescue, Miss Usher," I said looking directly into her eyes, she wasn't wearing her glasses, in almost every photo I have seen of Miss Usher she was always wearing glasses, so you couldn't really see her eyes, now that I'm dancing in her arms, being this close to her I can see that she has the most beautiful green eyes, I always thought Madeline Usher was a beautiful woman from all her photos and TV interviews, however being here in Madeline arms now I couldn't help thinking that Madeline Usher reminds me a lot of Sharon Raydor, they are both beautiful women with stunning green eyes, with high cheekbones, their lips were slightly different, Madeline lips were a little bit thinner then Sharon's lips, maybe because Madeline is older than Sharon by at least a good ten years maybe more, the biggest difference between them was their hair, Sharon has long light brown hair with blonde highlights though she has had her hair darker at times, Madeline hair is also long and is white with grey dark highlights.

Not that I have paid much attention to Sharon's facial features or let my eyes roam when we are in the same room, or taken every opportunity to look at her sitting behind her desk in her office from my desk while working on my computer, it isn't my fault that my desk is facing towards her office giving me the perfect view into her office, the perfect view of her, alright I might be a little bit in love with Sharon Raydor, it's is completely ridiculous of course, because Sharon Raydor would never see me as anything but a friend and colleague.

"You're welcome my dear, besides I hate seeing a man being abusive towards women," Madeline Usher tells me, I'm very aware of her charity work to help women and families out of abusive relationship and situations, "those I'm pretty sure you are more than capable of taking care of yourself, however when I saw him grabbing your arm like that I used that opportunity to talk to you," Madeline exclaim, taking me aback a little.

"Why would one of the most powerful women in L.A need a reason to talk to me?" I asked with one eyebrow raised in question.

"Because my dear, I know every single person at this party, but I don't know you," Madeline says as we continue to sway in time to the music, I break eye-contact for just a moment, glancing over Madeline shoulder towards our suspect, he was looking in my direction, he was watching me dancing, had I been made? Did he somehow workout that I was working undercover? Suddenly I realise it wasn't just him watching me, everyone in the room was watching me and Madeline Usher dancing, oh that was just terrific, Captain Raydor was going to kill me, I wasn't supposed to be drawing this much attention to myself.

"Maybe that's because I'm just a plus one, a nobody really," I said looking back into those green eyes of hers.

"You're not a fucking nobody, everybody is a someone, you must have at least one person in your life that cares even loves you," Madeline says taking me completely aback.

"Of course, I have people who care about me, and I them," I responded not taking my eyes off her.

"Then you're not a fucking nobody, never sell yourself short, as long as you have even one person in this life that cares about you, then you are not a nobody, just because you are a plus one at this party and I didn't know who you was, doesn't make you a nobody, beside I'm glad for the opportunity to get to know you even if we just have tonight, because you may of come here tonight with your boyfriend,,," Madeline was saying however I cut her off.

"He isn't my boyfriend!!! Remember?" I tell her sharply.

"Good because a goldfish looks like it would have more braincells than your date," Madeline says making me laugh.

"He isn't my date, he is simply an end to a means," I tell her then quickly realise my mistake.

"Ohhh,,, please do enlighten me," Madeline says with raised eyebrows.

"Tread, very carefully," Captain Raydor's voice come through my earpiece. In a tone that I knew was a warning.

"I have always wanted to come to one of these parties, I read about them all the time in the newspapers and magazines, they always look so glamorous, so when I met Oren two days ago at a coffee shop, he approach me, offering to buy my coffee for me, I turned him down of course, so he thought flashing his Rolex at me thinking I would be impressed, I wasn't, I just simply rolled my eyes at him and walked out of the coffee shop, he followed me, I was just about to get his arse arrested by some uniform policeman I saw, when he stepped in-front of me and explained to me that he had an invite to this party and just needed a date as he didn't want to go alone, once he prove to me he wasn't lying I knew it was too good of an opportunity to pass up," I tell Madeline hoping I had sounded believable enough that she would believe the story we had come up with at Major Crimes only hours ago.

"Then maybe this Oren has one more braincell than a goldfish for inviting you, which I'm very grateful for, but like I was trying earlier, you may have come with fish for brains over there, however you are leaving with me," Madeline tells me making my breath catch in my throat, well I have been looking for a distraction, something to make me forget about my feelings towards Sharon and I might of just found it in the form of Madeline Usher, even if it was just for one night.

To Be Continue.  

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