"You never know until you try..." I say earning myself the death stare and it takes everything in me to not laugh as she just looks adorable...I dont care that she is taking her discomfort out on me... She is doing all the heavy lifting, literally... So, the least i can do is take it when she needs to let it out... It is not like she is like this every day... Most of the days she is this ray of sunshine... I stand up taking her hand and i want to lead her to the bedroom... But she stops me... "Can i take a nap on the couch... I am more comfortable on the couch..." She whispers and i smile and kiss her temple... "Anywhere you want..." I say and kiss her... "Can you get the duvet of the bed... and my pillows..." She whispers and i smile walk her to the couch and sit her down... "You wait here, and I'll go everything..." I say and she nods... "It is not like i can run off..." She mumbles and i can't help but chuckle... "My little hostage..." I whisper before kissing her...  

I go upstairs get her moisturizer, some massage oil for her feet, her pillows, our duvet and snatch the book she had been reading along to... When i come back down i smile as Steve and Bucky are cuddled up to her their heads on her belly... I smile as Bucky nudges her belly because our little nugget is kicking... Mya giggles and i smile... If i can't cheer her up the dogs can...  The belly is a thing of wonder to them and i swear they know that there is a baby in there... 

"Okay boys..." I say gently shooing them of the couch and the huff at me but lay down in their spots... I get her comfortable and she looks at me and smiles a little... I sit down beside her and lift my shirt that she is wearing... Lately she is constantly wearing my sweats and shirts saying that they are more comfortable than any maternity clothes she bought... 

"I am sorry..." She mumbles as i put some of her moisturizer in my hand warming it up... "For what baby?" I ask her surprised and she sighs... "For being a grumpy mess..." She mumbles looking a little sad and i smile as i start to rub the moisturizer on her belly... "That is okay baby... You can be as grumpy as you want... But you are not a mess... You are just tired and uncomfortable..." I say and she settles in letting out a soft moan as i rub her belly... 

I can feel our nugget kick as i move my hands in circles and Mya groans... "What do you think about the name Willow..." Mya asks out of the blue and i smile... "Willow?" I ask and she nods... "Or Ivy..." She says and lets out a sigh... "I like it... Very earthy..." I say and she sighs... "Earthy?" She asks and i nod... "But we are more sky people... We love the stars..." Mya mumbles and i smile... 

"That is why Star is also on the list..." I say and she sighs... "Sounds like a stripper..." She mumbles and i look at her stunned... "It does not..." I say and she sighs... I am done with her belly and lower her shirt and tuck her in... I move and take her feet in my lap... I pull of one of her fluffy socks and grab the oil and start massaging her foot... I smirk as Mya groans... "Oh... God... Feels so good..." She mumbles... 

"Okay so Star can be crossed of the list... But what about Aster... Or Vesper..." I say and Mya sighs... "I just dont know... With Oliver i had a few names in my mind but i named him when i saw him..." Mya sighs... "He just looked like an Oliver..." She says and i smile... "I just think with the boys being named Oliver and Kevin it would not sound right... Oliver, Kevin and Vesper... It does not sound right... Besides it is something out of some James Bond movie..." She sighs and i chuckle... "Okay so no Vesper and no Astra either..." I say and she sighs... "But you love those..." She mumbles and i sigh... "We have both have to love the name baby..." I say and she hums... "Do you like the name Oliver?" She asks and i chuckle... "I love the name Oliver... I would like to think i would have picked that to..." I say and she smiles... It is not a lie though... I love the name Oliver... 

"I have another one i like..." I say a little unsure... She opens her eyes and looks at me... "Tell me?" She says and i blush... "Iris... It means Rainbow... You know for our Rainbow baby..." I whisper... But immediately regret saying that last part as Mya starts to cry... "Oh i am sorry baby..." I say and move to comfort her... "It is okay... It is just we dont even know if it would be a boy or a girl... We didn't get to name him or her..." She says sobbing in my arms and i pull her tighter... 

"I know baby... I know..." I sigh holding her comforting her... "What if we name him or her Star... Seeing as she is our little Star in heaven..." I say and she starts to sob even harder... "Okay we can name him or her something else..." I say and she shakes her head... "It is perfect..."She whispers and i grin... "Even if it is a stripper name?" I ask and she nudges me... "Oh shut up..." She mumbles and i grin even more... "From now on that little one is named Star..." She whispers and i smile and kiss her...

"I like Iris for our little nugget though..." She mumbles into the kiss and i pull back... "You do?" I ask and she nods... I kiss her again and she smiles into the kiss... "I really like it..." She whispers and i smile...

I go back to massaging her feet and legs and she lets out a little sigh and closes her eyes, relaxing back in the pillows again... "Seriously... Whenever this acting thing doesn't work out i will hire you as my private masseur..." She mumbles and i grin... "Deal..." I say and she giggles...

We settle into a comfortable silence and after a while i look at Mya and see she is finally asleep... I pull out my phone and text ma if she can pick up Oliver and Kevin from school as i dont want to leave Mya when she is having an off day... Ma is happy to and after texting back and forth for a bid she says she will swing by the store to pick up some things and make us dinner... 

With her feet in my lap i lean back and close my own eyes... Just a little rest... Just closing my eyes for a second... I tell myself but soon i am asleep to...

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