Chapter 7: Starlit promises

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The next evening, the gang gathered in Scott's backyard, transformed into a whimsical wonderland with colorful lights draped across trees and hanging lanterns that cast a warm glow. The air was filled with laughter and the tantalizing aroma of garlic bread, a nod to Scott's enduring love for the savory treat.

As the group enjoyed the outdoor ambiance, Scott couldn't help but smile at the sight of his friends immersed in the starry atmosphere he had created.

"Welcome to the Starwish Party, my friends! Let's make some wishes under the night sky," Scott exclaimed, holding up a basket filled with shimmering star-shaped papers.

Ramona looked at him with a playful smirk. "Starwish Party, huh? You really know how to throw a bash, Scott."

The group gathered around, each taking a star-shaped paper and a marker to jot down their wishes. Scott winked at Ramona as they began writing in unison, sharing a secret moment amid the festivity.

When it was time to release their wishes into the night, the group headed to a central spot in the backyard, where a makeshift constellation of lights mimicked the stars above.

Scott and Ramona stood side by side, their eyes locking as they held their wishes in hand. Without exchanging words, they understood the significance of this shared moment.

"I wish for this moment to last forever," Scott whispered to Ramona, his voice carrying a sincerity that transcended the starlit party.

Ramona's eyes shimmered with affection. "I wish for a love that never fades, a love that stands the test of time."

As they released their wishes into the starry night, the group watched as the papers danced on the breeze, carried away by the magic of the evening.

The atmosphere was charged with a sense of promise and hope. The colorful lights, the laughter of friends, and the wishes sent into the night created a tapestry of memories that Scott and Ramona held close to their hearts.

The night continued with shared moments, laughter, and the comforting warmth of friendship. The starwish party became a testament to the enduring nature of their connection—a connection that had weathered challenges and grown stronger with each passing chapter.

Under the starlit sky, Scott and Ramona stole glances, their wishes intertwined with the cosmic forces that seemed to conspire in their favor. Little did they know that the stars held secrets, and the wishes made that night were destined to shape the chapters yet to come in their extraordinary love story.

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