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Elsie just stood there shocked and frozen in her spot. It was as if she couldn't move, let alone breathe. She doesn’t want to believe what she has just seen. The person (her, Cassadie and Cersie) have been trying to catch, was her ex-girlfriend (not by choice either) and the love of her life, was none other than Kylie Rivers. 

She couldn't forget her long curly black hair that goes down to her waist and her piercing red ruby like eyes. But that isn't the reason why she was standing there shocked and frozen. No, she saw something else that made her know that it was indeed Kylie. 

“Elsie! What happened?!” Cassadie, a girl with light pink hair, yelled while running to her. “Why didn’t you get her while you still had the chance? She was right in fr…” She yells at her best friend; she stopped mid-sentence when she saw the face Elsie was making… and it scared her. She held onto her shoulders and shook her to get her attention back. “Hey Elsie! Are you ok?! What’s wrong?!” She yelled again as tears started to form in her golden eyes.

Elsie honestly wasn’t even sure if she saw what she saw. "I mean anyone in the world could have the same charm… Right? There’s no way. It couldn’t be her…” She mumbled to herself with tears running down her face not knowing Cassadie was in front of her.

“Who do you think it was?” Cassadie asked softly, afraid to speak.

There was a brief silence. Without meeting her eyes she said very softly just above a whisper. Cassadie almost missed it, “Kylie.”

Cassadie looked at her with eyes wide as saucers. She couldn’t believe what she just heard. She knew all about Kylie and Elsie’s relationship because they all went to the same high school and they were all once best friends. A little afraid of the answer she asked, “How do you know it was her?”

Elsie had her eyes trained to the ground in between her feet as tears began to fall. She could see the little drops fall down in the dirt making the spot slightly darker. She slowly looked up, grabbed her charm and softly said, “I saw the star charm.”

Cassadie has the same look on her face but then changed into something that was almost like hope in her eyes. She spoke softly again, "But like you said, anyone in the world could have the same charm. So even if you did see it it could all be coincidence right?"

Even with her face towards the ground Cassadie could see a small smile on Elsie’s face. That made Cassadie have a small smile herself, happy to see her sister smile… even if it was tiny and broken.

Elsie had a questionable look on her face as if she was thinking. 'Cassadie is right. I mean anyone could have the same charm.' She thought to herself. Just as she was about to feel better about her love not betraying and hurting her in such a bad way her face fell back into a frown.

Cassadie saw this and immediately asked, "Hey, what's wrong?"

Elsie closed her eyes and shook her head. With a barely visible smile she says in a strained voice, "I was just thinking that you could be right about anyone having the same star charm. But..." 

There was a moment of silence before Casssadie asked, almost afraid to ask more than the answer she was going to recieve, “But what?”

Elsie opened her eyes and looked at her sister. Cassadie could see nothing but sadness and hurt in them. When Elsie spoke again her voice slightly cracked like she was straining on not to cry, "I know it was her because of one more thing I saw…"

There was a small moment of silence when Cassadie asked, "What is that?"

A single tear ran down on her left cheek. She slowly reached up and grasped her own star charm so hard her knuckles turned white. She whispered, "...the amethyst teardrop gem."

Right when she said that Cassadie had no doubt in her mind anymore that the person they are going after was in fact Kylie. 

She reached out and grabbed Elsie in a tight hug and held her against her chest as she cried her eyes out. Since she is so much taller than Elsie she put her chin on top of her head and looked up to the dark star filled sky while tears ran down her face and thought, 'Oh Elsie. What are you going to do now?’

772 words

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