───ㅤunexpected ties

98 2 2


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CUSTOMER: spellboundeed


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⟨ 🪄 ⟩ ── Cover [6/10]

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⟨ 🪄 ⟩ ── Cover [6/10]

Not a bad cover, however, it could be better edited in terms of colour scheme, title placements, etc. I would recommend changing the colour of the title from black to something lighter, maybe grey or a different colour that doesn't look too out of order yet helps in visibility. Also, do consider increasing the size of the font or filling up the empty space with some other relevant elements from the story. All in all, it's not a bad cover. However, including the aforementioned changes could also be helpful in attracting more readers.

⟨ 🪄 ⟩ ── Title [3.5/5]

Judging at first glance, not too bad but not too unique either. Use some synonyms or something that develops intrigue in the readers to instantly want to delve into the story. Same goes with the blurb which I will be discussing in the next section.

⟨ 🪄 ⟩ ── Blurb [4/5]

I expect more intriguing elements in the blurb set up. Your blurb does summarise what expectations can be made from the book storyline, however, adding some elements that may make the book a better attention grabber would be great. Instead of adding straight off information, try the indirect way i.e. asking questions from the readers.

For ex- Instead of "Hana unknowingly falls in love with a guy who turns out to be her best friend's crush.", try "How bad could falling in love be? Hana could only understand that after unknowingly falling for her best friend's crush…"

⟨ 🪄 ⟩ ── Inception [6/10]

The initial chapters of the story seem rushed and could develop a decent length if they or the story in general wasn't so rushed. There were times I just couldn't really get the feels or vibe of the story setting. I would really appreciate you to start providing a proper setting of things instead of just continuous conversation from the start. Your story's initial chapters also lacked in grabbing my attention and unfortunately I would have to say this is an aspect you really have to start working on.

⟨ 🪄 ⟩ ── Plot, Idea and Execution [14/25]

The plot isn't something out of the box and although it's not a bad thing, I would have to say it lacks elements worth wanting to continue it. Often used plots are never a bad thing but what makes you a better writer is when you are able to bring your own colours to a certain plot.

For ex.- The arranged marriage au is heavily popular among readers, what's so different about it though? If everyone is writing the same thing, why do people enjoy it? The reason is the writer knows how to make their book stand out even after having an overused idea.

You need to work on bringing such elements to your story too. It's an overused idea but think of it, do you think your book stands out from other similar plots? If yes, try to pinpoint one or two scenes or write-ups you have uncommon from other books. If you don't find these, then you know where to start working. Start executing things with a proper pace instead of leaving things mid off. You're writing a book, not a summary of some other one.

⟨ 🪄 ⟩ ── Characters and Emotions [9/15]

With the fast pace of events, which I will discuss later in the review in depth, the characters don't seem to each have much of a visible personality. You need to be descriptive in your writing to express your characters and the emotions relating to events and their personalities but your story seems to lack that. It was as if I was reading a story without any idea of what the characters are like except for their names. You need readers to stay hooked on your story and for that you need to display more of the personalities of your characters because there are times where readers don't like certain tracks but still read because they find attachment in the characters. Build that attachment with better descriptions of your characters.

⟨ 🪄 ⟩ ── Writing Style and Tone [4/10]

The writing style is pretty bland, nothing interesting or eye catchy. Lacks prose writing but instead is composed into sentence structure which is a turn off at times especially if you expect people to take your writing seriously. The write-ups are pretty easy to understand but this leads to low expectations of interesting parts in a story. Remember, the writing world is huge but the reading world is way broader than you can expect. People don't just read books to live dreams or pass time. In fact, they read more often just to see new ways of describing even a small flower petal. Bring colours into your writing, currently it's bland and holds back your book's full potential.

⟨ 🪄 ⟩ ── Grammar Point [12/20]

Grammar is a heavily important part to look out for in a story. In the case of your book, it lacked broader aspects of writing styles which made it harder to judge your grammar. However, I did find errors and they were pretty noticeable to ignore. I suggest reading more books both for improving grammar but other aspects of your story as well. Grammar and writing style are things that need to be taken together and one cannot be ignored for the other. Take your time into framing each and every chapter and you'll find yourself building things way better than you could imagine.

/ 🔮 / TOTAL ── [58.5/100]


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