Stubborn, huh?

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Nikolai's Pov:

When she said that I should better hit her again, my patience broke and I slapped her third time and said in a bit annoyed tone

Nikolai: ,,alright, that's it!"

I kicked her legs and she hit the floor with a thump and before she could do anything, I grabbed both of her arms and my nails started digging into her flesh

Nikolai: ,,You're too feisty...that's a bad look for a cute girl like you, you need to be more... agreeable."

I then start dragging her through the room and the corner of her mouth starts slowly bleeding, probably because of that hit, but she...starts giggling...

Y/n: ,,what if i don't, huh?"

I sigh and drag her through a door and down a long hallway, stopping in a room with a torture table and then lock the door behind she

Nikolai: ,,if you don't cooperate, I will make you agree, now...sit down, sweetheart."

I said that with a dangerous smile, trying to make her feel at least a little afraid

My pov:

His words and that creepy smile only make me giggle a little again, but I decide to try obeying him for once, so I sat on that torture table with just grin on my face and that blood dripping from my corner of my mouth, he then unties my arms, but leaves the ropes on my legs so I can't get off the table

Nikolai: ,,You have some nerve..."

He grabs my chin and turns my face towards him

Nikolai: ,,Tell me your name, cutie."

He looks down at my bleeding mouth and licks his lips, what was a little creepy, but I didn't show even a little fear, insted I start giggle to provoke him more, cause I wanted to see what will be his reaction

Y/n: ,,guess..."

He squeezes my chin more tightly, and it starts to slowly hurt a bit

Nikolai: ,,you wanna play a game or what?..I don't even have to guess, I already know your name is y/n...the thing is..."

He leaned in a bit closer to my face with a smirk what makes me blush a bit but I tried to hide it

Nikolai: ,,I wanted to hear you say that..."

I stayed silent still grinning to keep my cool, but inside I was afraid and a bit in pain while he grins down at me again

Nikolai: ,,I can feel you're hiding quite a few secrets, I guess I'm gonna have to get those out of you..."

At that moment I was wondering what he was going to do and then suddenly he took my chin again, but this time licking the blood from my lips and my eyes widened in shock a bit

Nikolai: ,,A little more... cooperation would help, y/n"

While I still felt afraid, in pain and shocked, I didn't want to look weak so I just grin again, although this might have made him more angry and maybe he would hit me again and I couldn't do anything about it, after all my legs was still tied up to that torture table...

Y/n: ,,I'm never cooperating that easely"

He grins and puts a finger on my lips to make me shut up or probably to make me angry too

Nikolai: ,,If you do anything that annoys me, I'll make you feel pain you've never felt before, so now..."

He starts pulling at my hair still with that smirk of his

Nikolai: ,,behave well, and start listening..."

This just annoys me more and although I felt pain and fear, I bit his finger so he took his finger from my lips and hair and grins again

Nikolai: ,, you're interesting...but also stubborn y/n"

He unties my legs from the table but then starts to tie me up again, so I cannot move or stop him and at that moment he grabs me and starts to carry me from this dark room to another and he says in a bit serious tone

Nikolai: ,,I didn't want to do it this way...but you're starting to get on my nerves..."

I didn't know what he was going to do or what I should say, so I just kept silent and only smirking but didn't look at him and when we entered the other dark room there was a chair and some little cabinet and then he make me sit on that chair with a creepy smile again and now I feel only more afraid of wondering what is he going to do

Nikolai: ,,I said...if you do something what annoys'll feel pain..."

Hi guys!! I'm back with the second part of this story, still if you found any mistakes I'm sorry (my english is not so good), anywayyyyyy I hope you enjoyed this part too and probably see you later next week with part 3, love ya<33❤️

~love for torture~ (Y/N x Nikolai Gogol)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora