Arranged Marriage:Gaanaru

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A/N: In this one shot Gaara and Naruto are 20

Naruto and Gaara didn't get many moments alone together. Naruto was always busy on missions and Gaara with his position as Kazekage. The Suna Council was not very fond of Naruto. Gaara never minded them with that, however, today, today was different. Gaara would have a meeting with the council about marriage arrangements. They wanted him to marry a fine lady of Suna to keep their traditions within their village through Gaara's blood line. Gaara mumbled something under his breath as Baki entered. "Kazekage-sama, it's time for the meeting." Gaara followed Baki to the meeting room. Gaara sat at the end of the table with Kankurō and Temari on each side of him. "Can we do this quickly?" Gaara questioned. He was sick of these conversations with his personal life and his choices. The council will not decide who Gaara marries, he won't allow that. He would rather die. The elders faced him. "Kazekage-Sama, we want to finalize your marriage arrangements with a villager of Suna," he began smirking slightly. Gaara fought the urge to roll his eyes at the comment. "I have decided how I want to handle my marriage and who I wish to marry, in fact, I have a fiancé." Gaara stated in a matter of factly tone. The councilmen looked at Gaara shocked. Kankuro and Temari smirked. Baki spoke up, "who have you decided on Gaara?" He asked smiling slightly already knowing the answer. Gaara closed his eyes, "Naruto Uzumaki," he replied. The elders faces held pure shock and disgust at the answer. "ABSOLUTELY NOT, YOU WILL BRING SHAME TO OUR VILLAGE AND YOUR OWN NAME!" One shouted at him slamming his hands on the table. Gaara's eyes narrowed. Temari spoke up, "need I remind the council that Naruto is the world's hero? If it wasn't for him we wouldn't have gotten through the 4th great ninja war. You should have some respect," she hissed venom laced in her voice. The council men went quiet. Gaara smirked behind his hands that were propped on the table. There was a knock on the door. Kankuro opened the door. Kakashi, Sakura and Naruto walked in. "Nice to see you, lord 6th," Gaara said motioning him to sit.
Kakashi sat in the empty chair with Sakura and Naruto standing on each side of him. "We wanted to bring something to the Suna council's knowledge. When I say "we" I mean Naruto," Kakashi motioned to Naruto to speak. Naruto smiled nervously. "I, um...I won't be taken the position of 7th Hokage, I decided to step down from the position. I understand that the council does not wish for Gaara to marry someone like me. A jinjuriki, more so the one who hosts Kurama, the nine tails," Naruto began. "However, need I remind Gaara was once a jinjuriki, the host of Shukaku," Naruto continued. "YOU WILL ADRESS THE KAZEKAGE AS LORD GAARA OR LORD KAZEKAGE YOUR LEAF SHINOBI BRAT, HAVE RESPECT!" The elder shouted cutting Naruto off. Gaara stood up. "You will not talk to my fiancé in such a way, do you understand me?" He threatened. The elder gulped and sat down. Gaara sighed, "enough of the meeting, I have made my decision and that's final" he said coldly. Temari spoke up, "now that that's out the way, I will be stepping down from my position as well," she said calmly with a small smile on her face. "My husband is in Konoha and I wish to be with him," she finished. Gaara smiled slightly.
>after the meeting<
Naruto stretched, "so glad that's over," he mumbled. Gaara laughed softly. "Yes, yes, there shouldn't be anymore issues with it." He brushed his hand against Naruto's.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2023 ⏰

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