Three weeks from now Akihiko and (f/n) would be moving to seperate cities. They were both worried about what that would do to their relationship but you knew, because you were literally from the future, that they'd do just fine and you'd still be in communication with them, though them moving overseas had made it difficult to remain as close as you had once been due to your busy schedules.

There was Yukimura and Yua, Shoto's sister who you had formed a sisterly connection to even though you were the same age. She was a soft spoken and shy person, albeit a little too much, and so you had befriended her just as you'd promised Shoto. You lost contact with them a few years into the future.

As for Shoto, you hadn't seen him for more than three months already. Yua had always told you he was okay whenever you asked about him, so you assumed that he was.

Then there was Manjiro. You froze in your steps when your eyes landed on him, and as if noticing your gaze, he turned around and smiled, waving you over.

Hesitantly, you continued your walk towards the table. At this moment he was already attracted to you, though your feelings for him remained unclear.

Your heart ached as you imagined all the hopes and dreams he held about you, which he had been so close to having, but which you turned down almost at the last minute.

"I ordered your favourite drink for you, along with a key lime cupcake," Manjiro's voice reached your eyes as you sat down opposite him.

"Thanks," you nodded and offered him a small smile," Sorry I'm late, I got distracted."

He waved it off and re-entered the conversation that was going on around the table.

"What makes you think the guys in Osaka will be better than you, Akihiko?" Yukimura asked as he waved his spoon in the air.

"I never said they'd be better than me!" Said man protested as (f/n) rolled her eyes.

"If you're saying that, it would be justifiable for me to feel the same way about the girls in Nagoya."

"You don't have any reason to feel that way though," Akihiko murmured.

"I know, and neither do you," she smiled at him, making it Yukimura's turn to roll his eyes at them.

Turning to Yua, he cleared his throat.

"Shoto isn't free today either?" He asked, almost sounding disappointed. You remembered him talking about a falling out with the older guy around this time.

The brow haired girl shook her head," He said he had to go to Kanto or something."

"Kanto, huh?" Manjiro chimed in," Wonder what's so important over there that he's been busy all these months, he was usually the one to suggest we hang out."

A faint blush spread across Yua's face as she avoided eye contact with him, which past you would have probably missed, making you raise your brows slightly.

"No idea..." She let her gaze wander until Manjiro moved on from their conversation and turned towards Akihiko.

You zoned out, wishing you could talk to Takemichi already so he could hopefully help you out in any way.

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