chapter 9

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Anele's POV

The whole night was spent at the club ,we only came back at 03:00am midnight ,nakhona we slept at the driveway we couldn't find the keys or who had the keys


Me:"uggh I love you guys"

Mich:"I think I love you too"

Zen:"what kinda fuckery is that?"

Phiwo:"my life is a fuckin mess but through it all I'm glad I got you guys "

Michelle:"really mich what's wrong ?"

That's us drunk in the driveway of my house sipping on wine

Phiwo:"im fuckin lonely you guys ,l.o.n.e.l.y"

Mich:"cheers to that love me too"

Me:"ohhh come on we gonna get through it tooooo get herrrrr"

Zen:"we are all in ,first off we need to take care of my brother "

Me:"let's burn his house "

Phiwo:"nope let's burn her house "

Mich:"ooooh that's sounds soooooo savage "

Me:"do I care?"


Phiwo:"let's do it both nkosi is gonna take us out of jail"

Zen:"whoopp my man my man my man "

Mich:"and her man !"

Us:"thank you to her man "

Me:"shhhhhh you guys ,the old couple next door that's filthy rich is gonna flip"

Mich:"NOPE !!!that one needs to get laid"

Zen:"she needs some good worship!!"

Phiwo:"she needs some vitamin-"


Zen:"aww man I love you guys "

End of flashback.......

Im in the kitchen trying to make a remedy with the most unkind headache of my entire lifetime,but I deserve it heeeee
We got inside the house at about 05:00am when the housekeeper came in

I take some ingredients and walk to the blender
Zen walks down ,looking so miserable yet stil beautiful this one is just so radiant


Mich and Phiwokuhle come down ,now I'm  starting to think these two are the same

Them:"morning "

Mich:"I need some wine "

We all look at her like she's crazy ,

Zen:"iva likhishwa ngelinye iva"

Phiwo:"point taken but still it's 10:00 am "


Me:"you are not okay ,come drink this remedy"

I hand them glasses of the special remedy that Bayanda taught me
I just frown thinking about that but quickly hide it cause I've got family in these girls

Me:"zen weren't you going home this weekend?"

Zen:"I was but maybe next week plus mom misses me a lot ,she's gonna keep asking me when I'm settling down I haven't told her about Lungelo"

Mich:"bitch say what?"

Phiwo:"your mom still thinks you dating him ? Whatttt thats so 1 year go"

Me:"you can truly keep a secret "

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