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Tw: bed accident (💩), crying, separation anxiety


Nicks pov:

We had a great weekend with all of Lily's friends at her party. They all stayed over at our house in the living room.

Lily seemed to have lots of fun. This weekend was difficult for charlie as the twins are causing him a lot of pain recently.

I'm dropping Lily off at school before going back to charlie.

As we arrive, I see Lily's face change.

"Lily? Are you okay, darling?"

She shakes her head no.

"What's up?"

"I-I don't want to g-go"

"Why not princess?"

"I don't w-want to leave you and Papa."

"Aw baby, I know, but you need to go to school, darling."

"No p-please don't leave me here."

"Darling, I know you don't like leaving our side, but you need to get used to it, baby."

She shakes her head again.

I get out of the car and walk over to her door and open it. I undo her seatbelt and bring her into a hug.

She breaks down into tears. I feel so bad for her.
I softly stroke her hair, hoping to calm her down.
"Shhh baby, you're okay, soft, deep breaths."

She takes a lot of deep breaths, but that still dosent calm her down.

"Baby I need you to stop crying." I say squeezing her tighter.

"but daddy, it's not fair I-I d-dont want to g-go!" She says rasing her voice a little.

"don't raise your voice baby, I know you don't like it but you need to go."

She kicks her legs.

"no! No no no NO!" She says now shouting.

"Right get your seatbelt back on, and we'll go home then."  I say, pulling away from her and shutting the door.

I walk back over to the drivers side and get back in the car. I then set up my phone too the car and call charlie.

Ongoing call with.. char❤️🐻

"Hey char!"

"Hi nick"

"I'm on my way home but lily hasent gone into school."

"What? Why not?"

"Separation anxiety I'm guessing she was crying alot."

"oh okay, how is she now" He says taking a deep breath in.

"She's falling asleep, what's up? You okay?"

"Yeah, just in alot of pain."

"I'm sorry baby, I'll be home soon also I need to talk to you about something." I say

"o-okay bye!!

"bye baby"

I hang up the call and look in the rear view mirror at lily whose now fallen asleep.

I also think it was best she stayed off because when I was hugging her she felt very warm.

~10 minutes later~

As I pull up too the drive I look back at lily who is still very much asleep.

I sigh and switch the engine off and get out of the car. I walk over to her door and open it.

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