Technoblade, cautioning Tommy, urged, "Tommy, think hard- Think hard about this before you make this decision, Tommy, 'cause you can't undo this. You can't undo this decision, Tommy."

Tommy, burdened by his choices, sighed, "Technoblade, I know what I've done, and I hate me for it."

Technoblade stared at Tommy, a complex mixture of disappointment and understanding in his eyes.

Expressing his disapproval, Technoblade announced, "Wowww... Well, 1v30 it is, who wants to go up first? Let's go-"

Interrupting, Dream addressed Tubbo, "No no no no listen."

Tubbo, puzzled, responded, "Yeah?"

Dream, despite obtaining the disc, delivered a scathing critique, "Thank you for giving me the disc. I just wanted to say that you're an idiot."

Tubbo, taken aback, questioned, "What...?"

Dream continued his tirade, "You are an absolute idiot! And you have no power, and you are the worst President that has ever been President of L– because you're no president at all!"

Dream, addressing Tubbo with a sigh, declared, "Listen, Tubbo, you, like– *sigh* I mean- You- L'Manberg is weaker than it's ever been. And it's because of you! You have– you have destroyed everything, you have ruined your friendships, you have ruined L'Manberg's allies, you have– you have just– you are a horrible President, Tubbo."

Tubbo, acknowledging the criticism, admitted, "Yeah, you're right."

Technoblade chimed in with a taunting remark, "Yeahhhh! You suck, Tubbo."

Dream, turning to Technoblade, inquired, "Techno."

Technoblade, intrigued, responded, "Yeah?"

Dream, revealing his plan, asked, "You got any withers?"

Tommy, alarmed, questioned, "Wh- wh-"

Technoblade, amused, remarked, "Oh, I'm likin' where this is goin', Dream."

Tubbo, desperately, pleaded, "No. No, no, no, no, no."

Tommy, anticipating trouble, urged, "Stop. Stop now."

Ranboo, realizing the gravity of the situation, interjected, "You can't-"

Technoblade, catching on to Dream's idea, asked, "Are you sayin' what I think you're sayin, Dream."

Dream, confirming Technoblade's suspicion, stated, "Oh, I'm saying what you think I'm saying."

Tommy, preparing for a fight, instructed Tubbo, "Armor up, Tubbo."

Technoblade, addressing Dream, teased, "Callin' in that favor, Dream? To destroy L'Manberg?"

Dream, dismissing the notion, responded, "No, no, I'm not calling in my fa– you would destroy L'Manberg no matter- are you kidding me?! No, you would destroy it anyway, I'm not calling in my favor."

Technoblade, enjoying the banter, remarked, "You know me so well, Dream, you know me so well. I've got a few withers, Dream. We could work something out.  If we can get outta here alive."

A Gentle Soul (Technoblade x reader)Where stories live. Discover now