First Ex/ First Single

Start from the beginning

"Who the hell is this woman!" the random woman yelled at Y/N. I heard him huff, I know he definitely rolled his eyes, making me laugh. "Steph, please for the love of Christ shut your mouth for half a second.." He said as he poured my coffee and handed it to me. Oh, so this is his ex... "It's none of your damn business who she is, in case you missed the earlier part of our conversation, I want nothing to do with you Steph." He stated.

I sat on the counter and drank my coffee, "I'm Kelsea, by the way," I said calmly. "Oh, so you're the one he's using to get over me." Steph scoffed. "Oh, sweetheart he's been over you, way before I came around. I'm pretty sure he has a song about you cheatin'," I said with a polite smile on my face. "Y/N you gonna just let her talk to me like that!" She said, pullin' on his arm.

"Steph get your hands off me." He said glaring at her. "You're lucky I ain't throw you out of my house, you relapsed! After you told me you wouldn't! I don't know why I believed you when you were the one who cheated, so how truthful could you truly be!" He yelled. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him to lean back against me, "Calm down babe, this is what she wants." I whispered in his ear.

"You need to leave now Steph, I can't be around you like this. I won't allow you to tear down all my hard work. If you wanna get clean for good, then come see me. Other than that leave me alone. We are done." He stated calmly while pointing towards the door of his house. "But Y/N... Please just hear me out!" She dropped to her knees, begging. "I heard you out, we are done. Get out of my house before I have the police remove you..." He said looking up at the ceiling, not wanting to look at her anymore.


I just want her to leave... But no she has to be dramatic and extra about everything.

"Steph, get up. Please don't make this any harder than it has to be..." I said, drinking my coffee. "Y/N please don't do this... I'm better, I swear!" Steph said. "I wish I could believe you, Steph. At one point we were best friends, inseparable at that. Now I don't even know you.." I said as I helped her up off the floor, looking back at Kelsea, who was just watching this whole ordeal unfold in front of her. Steph threw her arms around me, catching me off guard. "Y/N please.." She begged as I walked her to the front door.

"No Steph, stop making a fool out of yourself. If you get tired of this druggy lifestyle you've senselessly adopted, I'll take you to rehab. But other than that, don't show up here anymore." I said as I pried her arms off of my waist and closed the door. "God damnit man! Why did she have to show up now?!" I screamed as I slid down the door. Kelsea came running to me and sat on my lap, "Are you okay?" She asked. "No but I think we both needed that conversation," I said wrapping my arms around her. "I'm sorry you had to see and hear that shit baby girl," I said.

"Hey you met my ex and he verbally assaulted you, all she said was you were using me, which we both know ain't true.." She said looking down at me. 


"FUCK YOU Y/N!" I heard through the door. Kelsea quickly got up, as I jumped to my feet and opened the door to see Steph destroying my truck. "What the actual fuck Steph?!" I yelled. "Fuck you, It's your fault I'm like this!" She screamed at me. "No Steph you don't get to blame me for your fuck ups anymore!" I yelled back. Steph started storming her way towards me, "Why don't you love me anymore!" She screamed, jabbing her finger into my chest.

"Because I don't! We are toxic together, your drug addiction is a whole other discussion. Look at what you just did to my truck, all because you didn't get your way! You're childish. You need serious help, whether that be Rehab or a counselor. But I'm not going to be around while you destroy yourself and everyone around you." I stated, glaring down at her. "Fine! Fuck you! Steven was better in bed than you anyway!" She yelled.

Old Hopes & New Boots (Kelsea Ballerini x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now