Gay depressed and abused

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"He's so incredibly gorgeous" "I know, right!?" "Oh! Quiet he looking this way!" A group of girls all gush over him

now I know what your thinking oh no another gay story about a nerd and a bully

well you are honestly wrong....

No really you are I promise!

You see I'm not a nerd because you would have be smart to be a nerd I am however a dork who tries to not get in trouble
but being gay makes it hard at a homophobic school so to make things harder on my self I decided to have a crush on not one but two different guys at my school

Yay me...

one (mike) an homophobic asshole who likes to make my life miserable and is an guitarist who actually doesn't like sports

and the other (Chris) who's an idiot doof who could never hurt a fly unless it's a football game which is often since he's a..a..what's it called? Idk someone who hits the other team often

But enough about that

your probably wondering who I am well Im Alex just an average brown hair brown eyed gay boy who's bad at everything but video games and I'm only good at a couple of them mostly because my dad brakes all of the games I forget to hide
you see my family didn't take my flaming homoness for lack of a better phrase as well as I had hoped.........

yay for abuse!

Anyway that's who I am gay depressed and abused

I think my heart is already so full of hurt that I'll never be able to make room for anything or anyone else..... or can i?

(Hey author note real quick! Sorry it's short:-( but I hope it's entertaining so far! I'll try to make longer chapters and let me know what you think!)

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