We made it to Lia's house, and as we entered. Lia and Jennie were already there waiting for us.
"Finally you guys came! We've been waiting forever!" Lia said with an excited yet slightly annoyed tone.
"There's no such thing as rushing shopping." Danielle said sassily
"Okay then let's go upstairs and get ready, we don't have a lot of time."  Jennie says
We all went running  up stairs and started to get ready, we started pulling clothes, makeup, and hair products from our bags and closets while playing music in the background.
"What are you guys gonna do first?" Said Lia
"I think I'm gonna do my hair first, it takes a pretty long time for me to get it right" Said Danielle
"I'll go put on my outfit, just want to double check that it fits perfectly." Said Jennie
"I'm gonna start with my makeup, I've been practicing and I want to do a few looks to see what looks best." I said
"Ok then, I'm  gonna go take a quick shower, does anyone want to take one?" Said Lia, "We're okay!" We said.
"Alright I'll be right back then!" Lia said before leaving.
Some time had passed as we got ready, and helping  each other get ready, honestly we all enjoyed the chaos of it.
"Hey what do you think I should do, should I do a ponytail, or let my hair down?"...."Can someone zip me up?" ... "Do you think this looks good on me?"... "Here while you work on your makeup, I can curl your hair."... and it goes on and on.
After a while we finally finished getting ready. We then showed our outfits to each other... "Omg! You look so hot!"... "Stoppp you look absolutely gorgeous!"... "Ahhh! You look too cute! That outfit is just perfect on you!" .... "Girl you look so snatched! You look stunning!"
After gushing over our looks we took some pictures before we left.
Danielle, Jennie, Lia, Y/n

Danielle, Jennie, Lia, Y/n

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