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how ya doin', my fellow readers?
listen, I poured out my heart and soul into this, I hope you appreciate my efforts.
(Despite me having covid)

A heads up to understand how to read this fanfic:

YOUNGER DAYS: When Harry and Louis were younger (No-one's point of view in particular)

YOUNGER DAYS - HARRY'S VIEW: Younger Harry's point of view

YOUNGER DAYS - LOUIS' VIEW: Younger Louis' point of view.

Same thing applies for other characters, and for the present day 'povs'.

All povs are in third person.

I hope you enjoy :)

- CC



"Harry! Harry, smile for the camera!" Anne chanted over and over again, as she walked into the kitchen, finding her son looking down on the eggs he was cooking on the stove.

He rolled his green eyes with annoyance.
"Mum, get out of the kitchen, me and my friend Louis are trying to cook food!" He groaned.

Anne's eyes flickered from her son to the other lad, who was busily chopping up meat on a chopping table.

"Im assuming your Louis?" Anne asked gently. Louis looked up and grinned.

"Yep, m' Louis - my parents moved across your hpuse a few days ago. Me and Haz have become good friends." The boy said, giving the mother a happy grin.

"How old are you?" Anne enquired.

"He's nineteen mum." Harry replied swiftly, as he viciously cooked scrambled eggs. Louis laughed at Harry's roughness when it came to cooking.

"Now get out of the kitchen!" Harry complained, with a pout.

His mum chuckled. "Give me one moment Harry, I want to take a photo of you and Louis."

The older one walked over to Harry, and pulled out a silly photo - while the curly haired boy gave the camera a pleasing, sensible smile.

Anne took the photo, and the polarpid came out. She placed it on the table.

"This might be an easier way to ask for his number, just so you know." The mother teased at her son, who was blushing furiously as she walked out of the room.

"I'm.. sorry for that.." Harry mumbled shyly - shocked when he got a chuckle out of the blue eyed lad in response.

"It's fine, I'll write down my phone number on the polarpid later, but first, I think you're gonna have to re do the eggs."

Harry gave Louis a confused look, until he looked down at the stove, and the two of them burst into laughter, a cheerfulness surrounding the home, which was being battered and bruised from the rain outside.

But nothing seemed to harm them for now. For now they were fine, and the future didn't seem as dark.

How wrong they were.



Harry was exhausted. For hours, he spent slaving away cleaning, and packing up his apartment.

It was the usual London weather outside, cold, and rainy, and it seemed to somewhat batter the window, making Harry feel somewhat nostalgic as he cleaned the kitchen.

He sighed, feeling the emptiness in his heart he tried so desperately to numb, just grow a bit more.

But there was no point to dwell in the past, not when he was packing up in order to move into his new house.

As he fell onto his gray couch with a thud, he noticed an old photo album next to him, and he smiled.

He remembered that album and he also vividly remembered all of those photos - which were from his younger days.

Eagerly, he opened up the book, seeing photos of him younger, older, with friends or just being plain dumb.

There were photos of him with his other friends, such as Niall, Liam and Zayn. Not that they weren't friends anymore, they still kept in touch. But ever since the incident the friend group had a bit of a strain.

And then he noticed that there was still a photo of them together.

Louis had poked his tongue out, his blue eyes wide. Meanwhile, the younger lad in the picture was giving the camera a lovely dimpled grin - as they forever stood in time in the old kitchen that belonged to Harry's family.

Here's my number :) - It said in the corner of the polaroid,  with Louis' handwriting and a badly drawn love heart.

He remembered the older boy writing that.

And yet, even though he should be angry, a smile was painted on his lips, as he ran a hand through his curls.

He gently grabbed the photo out of its folder, and looked at the back.

It had Louis' phone number still.

Of course, there was no point in trying to call him, he probably had a new one.

He dialled it anyway.

His heart was pounding as he called the number, his eyes closed tightly shut in fear.

After three tries, Harry felt like he was going to give up.


"Hello, who is this?" A familiar English voice wrang on the other line.

"It's Harry."


Hah, because I feel like I'm gonna leave it on a cliffhanger >:)


I need a vote for the future relationships.

Which do you prefer to happen:

Ziall or Ziam?

Say your thoughts in the comments :)

Thank you for reading chapter one, I hope you enjoyed. (Did you enjoy?)

See you in the next one <3

- Anador

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