Drama, drama, drama

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"Ronnie, you have to get along with Jack" my stated

"No I don't! Why are you with him? He doesn't love you! He never has and never will, don't you understand?" i exclaimed, then i remembered, the money, my money

"Where is my charm box?" i ask my mother

"What charm box?" she asked

"The charm box, the one Cole bought me for my birthday"

"Oh it's in there, but you're not gonna find anything in there, i took all the money you had in there" i turned around feeling angry

"Are you serious!? Why would you do that!? That money was to pay rent and get groceries for Lucy and mateo!" i cried out

"Well i'm sorry but jack needed the money, don't worry about rent, jack's gonna get a big settlement check from his divorce so i'll be able to pay rent, get food, and buy the kids some new clothes"

"Please jack's not gonna give you crap, trust me he's not gonna wanna give you any money for us" then i grabbed all of my stuff and left i got my phone out of my bag and called Lila

Lila: Hey girl what's up?
Ronnie: I need you to come pick me up, imma be at my grandmother's
Lila: Okay, did something go down at home?
Ronnie: Yeah but i'll tell you when you pick me up
Lila: Okay, i'll see you in a couple of minutes

I end the call, i walked towards my grandma's house and i let myself in

"Ay dios mios, Mija what happened!?" my grandma's worriedly asked

"Nothing i just slipped and fell that's it" I didn't want to tell my grandmother what happened cause i know that she'll go to my mom and just start more drama, i sat down on the couch and just rested for a minute

"What are all these bags?" My grandma questioned

"Mom kicked me out, so she threw all my clothes in here" I confessed

"Oh Veronica, i'm so sorry, you can stay with me" my grandma said softly

"No it's okay abuela, i'm gonna be okay, but mateo and lucianna can't go back with mom, she's not in her right mind right now"

"Okay, don't worry they're safe with me, where are you gonna go?"

"A friend of mine is gonna pick me up and take me to work, but i'll be here tonight to be with the kids, where are the kids?" i asked

"They're taking a nap, i've fed them and gave them a warm bath" i hugged my grandmother tight
Lila honked her car horn to let me know she's here

"Okay i gotta go, i'll be back by 8" i ran outside and quickly went into lila car
Emmett and Deedee were with her

"Oh my god! What happened to you?" Lila asked

'Jack beat me and my mother kicked me out of the house"

"Wait, Jack? Jack as in your mom's boyfriend, he hit you?" Emmett asked

"Yes and i need yal to not tell Cole anything, if finds out he's gonna end up back in jail" I explained
They agreed so now it was time for me to head off to work, i work at a small garage and i help fix car parts

"Ronnie, you are and hour late" my boss scolded me, my boss Mr.Reese was a cool guy never pried into others business, very sarcastic and very understanding

"I know, i'm sorry just had some problems" then my boss looked at me, then noticed my cuts and bruises

"Ronnie meet me in my office" i was worried, i had a strong feeling that i was going to get fired

The Shameless LifeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin