mark pakin is an 18 year old highschool student who is best friends with winny, and close friends with ford. he has a crush on ford, which he doesn't know works at the gas station. he works at a local grocery store by his parents house.

aou thanaboon

aou is a 19 year old highschool student

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aou is a 19 year old highschool student. he was held back a year due to his grades but is looking to redeem himself through his tutor and roommate, boom tharatorn, he is also part of the yearbook club.

boom tharatorn

boom is an 18 year old highschool student

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boom is an 18 year old highschool student. he is the smartest student in the school. he is close friends with joong and dunk. he tutors his best friend aou. he mistaken for a computer club member while hanging around joong.


dunk natachai

dunk is an 18 year old senior who is apart of the yearbook club he is often mistaken for a computer club member as he hangs around joong

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dunk is an 18 year old senior who is apart of the yearbook club he is often mistaken for a computer club member as he hangs around joong.

joong archen

joong is an 18 year old student who is a part of the computer club

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joong is an 18 year old student who is a part of the computer club. he is close friends with dunk and aou.

perth tanapon

perth is a 17 year old student

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perth is a 17 year old student. he hangs around chimon in his freetime and works at the gas station.

chimon wachirawit

chimon is a 17 year old student

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chimon is a 17 year old student. he is a bookwork who hangs around perth.


hello~! i would like to say thank you for previewing the characters, hopefully soon i can add more as i go on, but for now this is it, i hope you enjoy the story!

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