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As Roxie's shift at the club neared its end, her mind was consumed by thoughts of Deckard.

The anticipation of his promised arrival to pick her up turned her into a lovesick teenager, unable to focus on anyone else.

The dimly lit atmosphere of the club, usually filled with music and laughter, now seemed to echo with her longing for the man who had unexpectedly become her beacon of safety and comfort.

She couldn't shake the sense of yearning as the minutes ticked away, each passing moment bringing her closer to the possibility of seeing Deckard waiting for her outside.

Roxie refrained from sharing the details of the previous night's events with Ming or Evelyn, a fear lingering within her that they might offer insights or perspectives she wasn't ready to confront.

Ming had been right about Wes, and Roxie hesitated to open herself up to any further revelations.

Yet, even though Deckard and she hadn't established a romantic or defined relationship, Roxie couldn't ignore the comforting intuition she felt about his character.

There was an unspoken understanding between them that transcended words, making her cautious but strangely assured in her trust of him.

Roxie's anxiety returned at the thought of returning to the once-shared flat with Wes to retrieve her personal belongings.

The mere idea sent shivers down her spine, evoking memories of past confrontations and unpleasant incidents. However, a glimmer of hope emerged when she realized that Deckard was the only lifeline standing between her and the potential horrors that awaited her at the hands of Wes.

She found solace in the fact that he offered a safer alternative, a way to reclaim her possessions without being held hostage to her fears or enduring something far worse.

Deckard became her anchor, a source of strength in a storm of uncertainty, and the prospect of his assistance provided a ray of light in the otherwise daunting task ahead.

Amid uncertainty and the looming task of retrieving her belongings from the place she once shared with Wes, Roxie found herself grappling with the decision of when to confront that part of her past.

The thought of facing Wes and the potential conflict was enough to make her want to postpone it indefinitely. However, as she weighed her options, staying with Deckard seemed comforting.

The prospect of not burdening her friends with her troubles and having a safe haven with Deckard offered a temporary respite.

Roxie decided to take her time, extending her stay with Deckard as she navigated through the complexities of finding a new place to live, uncertain about when she would gather the courage to face the remnants of her past life with Wes.

As Roxie's shift at the club came to a close, a palpable sense of excitement and anticipation bubbled within her. Ming and Evelyn couldn't help but notice the newfound lightness in her step and the radiant glow on her face as she bid them goodnight.

The weight lifted from her shoulders, coupled with the promise of Deckard's company, infused her with an unexpected joy.

Ming exchanged a knowing glance with Evelyn, recognizing that something positive had transpired in Roxie's world, even if the details remained unspoken.

As she stepped out into the night, the city lights seemed to shimmer a bit brighter, mirroring the spark ignited within Roxie.

Deckard stood by a car that seemed leagues beyond her financial reach, regardless of her nightly earnings.

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