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YUNA (third person POV first)

Shin Yuna, 14 years old, a student of Crescent High, skipped through the spotless, yet ominous hallway. There, she bumped into her fellow childhood friend, Hwang Yeji. 

"Annyeong, Yeji eonnie!"  Yuna called as she waved to her fellow friend.

Yeji waved back to her, before returning to her respective allocated class. Yuna was distracted as she waved to her while walking, and did not notice a boy coming in her direction. She bumped into him, and let out a yelp. 

"AAH OMG I'M SO-" she stopped halfway as he caught her just before she hit the floor. A faint blush spread across her cheeks as she stared into his enchanting big eyes(not shipping though- she's just flustered) 

"I'm so- so so so sorry, but...I need to ask, what's your name? I'm Yuna," she stuck out her hand to shake his, still awaiting his answer.

"I'm Kang Taehyun." he mumbled as he shook her hand and briskly walked away. Yuna raised an eyebrow and shrugged, before returning to her respective allocated class too.


"TAEHYUNNIIEEEE I WAS LOOKING FOR YOU THE WHOLE TIMEE WHERE WERE YOUUUU" a boy shouted and flew into my arms, a boy, as in- Choi Beomgyu. He's the troublemaker and the happy pill in our group of five, I mean, he's a horny teenager but other than that, he's better off singing "I AM A PUPPY~" 24/7. 

My head was in the clouds, as I was thinking about the girl I met earlier- she had somewhat of a strange aura, like something- never mind. (I CAN'T DESCRIBE OKAY) Earning me a pinch on the arm from Beomgyu. "OW WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!" 


"YOU- ugh, whatever." 

That kid. 


Hello, hello. I just realised that my exams were next year, and I had looked at the wrong calendar. I can update my story a little faster, but I'm having a writer's block now, so I need a little more time- and I do hope I would not give up on this too :/ welp, my mother is asking me to crochet and do productive things when the holidays start, and here I am, wracking my brains, just like when I do math. (pardon my lame "joke" -it isn't a joke though) learning english is hard though, grammar is hard. I literally went through google translate 50 times while writing this D: well, have a good evening/morning/night^^

07:16 pm, Hanlim Arts High School, Songpa District, Seoul, South Korea.

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