Glancing at them, the little girl inched nearer to Roxanne instinctively and reached out to grab the corner of Roxanne's dress.

However, Roxanne didn't notice that as she was busy double-checking the phone number before making the call.

Back in the Farwell residence, Lucian strode into the mansion angrily. "Is Essie back?"

The butler came to welcome him. Wearing a worried expression, he said, "No. I didn't see Ms. Estella around."

After saying that, he realized the temperature surrounding his employer had dropped drastically.

Lucian's lips thinned as he furrowed his brows.

I've searched everywhere I could. Where could she be? Did something happen to her?

As that possibility occurred to him, a faint gleam of malice shone in his eyes. It appeared as if he wanted nothing more than to destroy the entire world.

Right then, a lady clad in thick makeup hurried into the mansion and asked anxiously, "Lucian, I heard Essie went missing? Is it true? Did you find her?"

The lady was none other than Aubree, the one whom Lucian wanted to marry previously.

Nevertheless, Lucian kept his authoritative aura before her. "She's still missing. Now that you're here, I'd like to know what you told Essie this afternoon. Why would she run away from home for no reason?"

Aubree seemed surprised to hear his question as she stared at him incredulously. "Lucian, what are you saying? Are you saying I did something to Essie?"

Seemingly hurt, she added, "I did nothing to her! Never mind if someone else misunderstands me. You've seen how I treated her dearly over the years! Even though Essie treated me coldly, I didn't mind and took good care of her. I never yelled at her. No way would I do something to make her run away from home!"

With her red-rimmed eyes and innocent expression, she was trying hard to convince Lucian that she had nothing to do with Estella's disappearance.

Deep down, she wanted nothing more than for the mute little girl to disappear forever.

Indeed, she was harsh to Estella that afternoon. She also told the little girl that she would give birth to more adorable children after she married Lucian.

By then, Lucian would no longer adore Estella.

As Estella couldn't talk, Aubree wasn't afraid that the former would complain about her behavior to Lucian.

However, she had no idea that Estella would end up running away from home.

This is great! It will be better if she can't return. That way, I won't have to see her again!

Chapter 5 You Are Back

Lucian glared at her silently for a few seconds.

Meanwhile, Aubree dug her nails into her palm to stop herself from revealing her real emotions.

"You'd better not be lying."

Lucian averted his gaze a while later and turned to Cayden. "Did the police get back to you?"

Cayden's voice was grim. "Not yet."

He glanced at Lucian carefully and asked, "Could someone has kidnapped Ms. Estella?" Concern was evident in his voice.

The girl was Lucian's darling daughter. She was well-adorned in the Farwell family and thus became the target of many of Lucian's rivals. Previously, she was nearly kidnapped.

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