Nothing into Something

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You didn't get the appeal...

Yet here you are, heated face, lips parted, turned on. Not even just a little wet—soaking.

At König fist winging full force into this mans face. The smacking of his fist hitting flesh was angelic. His elbow winding back as far as his anatomy would let it to land his final blow.

As if that wasn't enough, he stood, towering the enemies body continuing to pull the trigger even with multiple clicks of an empty clip.

He tossed the gun, twisting his body to you. "Are you hurt?" He asked. If you were, you'd  have bled out already with his need to over kill.

He kneeled before you checking your vest, His eyes avoidant with his hands roaming your body. He had a warmth to him, and it wasn't just typical body heat.

It was like a fire pit and you a marshmallow. Crisping the outer layer of you while leaving you gooey on the inside.

"I get it now." You mumble, looking over his hidden face, broad shoulders. His eyes darting to yours in confusion.

"Get what." He adjusted your vest checking your arm for wounds before grabbing your rifle and cocking it back.

The appeal.. the popularity he has amongst women back at base. You thought you were different, turns out you're not.

Turns out you'd let him fold you, ankles to your shoulders, barely breathing from your lungs squishing against your ribs.


He yanked you to your feet by your vest, gloved thumb wiping away grime that covered your cheek.

A gesture that, if it was anybody else you would have thought it was sentimental. Him showing how much he cares about you.

"Good?" He asked looking into your eyes. His mind thinking of the battle to come and you thinking of how easily he could lift you into any position he wanted.

"Yea." Your voice small, horse. He pushed your gun into your arms. "A bit overkill don't you think." Pointing your chin at the deformed body beneath you.

He turned to admire his work before turning his attention back to you. "It's so his love ones cant recognize him... if they find his body" The corners of his eyes crinkling into a smile.

"Your insane König."  He shrugged his shoulders turning without a care. Stepping on the man's body exiting the room.

You followed after convincing yourself your sudden attraction to him was just a phase. You being traumatized by almost dying and him demolishing the person that hurt you.

But you saw how he commanded his men. His rifle held to his shoulder with his finger pointing. Subtle glances that made you wonder if he ever really noticed you.

In a way that was more than just a solider, replaying short conversations you and him would have sometimes. But there was no indication of him ever being remotely interested.

Before you knew it he was standing before you again "go to medical when we're back." He commanded and suddenly he can tell you what to do without your usual push back.

"I will." In a voice you reserved for a man that deserved to hear it. More feminine than your usual harsh tone.

"You okay." He patted your head "is your brain damaged?"

"Stop patting me like I'm a dog." Swatting his hand from you. His fingers gripping your jaw moving it left and right then looking into your eyes.

"You sure you're alright?"

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