Viserra laughed "Really!" she said excitedly momentarily forgetting her woes "By the gods he would never admit it.". Her father chuckled with her "Otto's a serious man, but he is well suited as a Hand, he's loyal I find.".

At that Viserra frowned a little. If only her father knew what her grandfather was doing behind his back. She had half a mind to tell him right now but she couldn't betray her grandfather. Not after finding Rhaenyra's true colors. Viserra now understood that she could only trust her grandfather. And if placing Aegon on the Iron Throne despite how undeserved he was, was how she would win his affection then she would do it. 

Still she could not help but ask her father "Do you not hate me?". King Viserys looked over at his youngest daughter confused "For Driftmark." she said softly. 

"Ah" he sighed "is that what troubles you?". Viserra nodded slowly. "I suppose I could be. But I am now an old man Viserra, I have for too many years been spiteful and angry. Now I am simply tired. The Iron Throne is a heavy burden and I do wish to tear apart my family in the process of taming it.". 

Oh but this family was already torn father. Blackened and rotted like our hearts, like our minds. 

"You mustn't blame yourself either. You are still a child my daughter, you have much to learn of the world" her father said caressing her head lightly. This was one of the few times since Driftmark that Viserra was with her father. Before she would often sit on his lap and read him stories while Rhaenyra played with her. Viserra pushed thoughts of Rhaenyra out of her mind. Her sister had made her choice, now it was time for Viserra to make hers. 

Aemond's pov. 

Aemond liked to pretend that he did not care for anything. Since he'd lost his eye he figured it was easier to not feel, to not care. So when he heard screams and cries from sweet Viserra's rooms he, naturally picked up his sword and sprinted straight to her door. 

But when Aemond arrived he found that there were already a host of people present. He demanded Viserra's dog Tristane for entry, the guard did so reluctantly as if worrying for his lady. As he walked in Aemond saw that there two guards holding Viserra down as she tried to lunge for her handmaiden Nadia. Viserra was crying. And screaming. Aemond swore he'd never felt more pain than this. Hearing his sister's raw agony. 

"What by the Seven is-" Aemond did not get a chance to finish as the hand Otto Hightower silenced him with a glare. He spoke in hushed tones to Viserra's maid who seemed visibly shaken. But Aemond could not take his eyes off the way the guards held Viserra down. The way their ugly mailed hands gripped her so harshly. 

Aemond walked forward "Move" he barked at the guard, Arryk he believed who was holding Viserra down. The guard frowned "My Prince I shouldn't-" Aemond snarled at that before dropping his voice to a cold whisper. 

"Step away now dog. Or shall I move you myself?" he asked cocking his head to the side. He watched with half a smirk as nervousness danced across the guard's expression. He stepped away and Aemond sat down bringing Viserra close to him. 

Viserra cried out as he placed his hands on her waist "GET AWAY" she wept "I have...I need to-" she began to cry and scream all at once, it broke Aemond's heart a thousand times over. 

He lulled her softly, whispering into her ear "Tell me what's wrong sweetheart." he demanded softly. Viserra cried even more but she finally said "Dawn. She's gone". Viserra's voice was so raspy and broken. It was the sound of a girl who had no happiness left. Dread curled in Aemond's stomach like a vice. 

At some point his father came in but Aemond paid him no mind. The Hand and the King stepped out together to discuss, but Aemond stayed where he was, caressing Viserra gently as her screams slowly, painstakingly subsided. But her crying did not. One after the other the guards, the maids and their father too left after being reassured that the Princess was simply cribbing. Aemond heard soft giggles from some of the maids as they watched the way Viserra cried and howled. Aemond wanted to remove their tongues. 

The Dragon and the Rose // Aemond TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now